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New player. Played all weekend. My suggestions.

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Hello, new to the forum, and the game, but so far I really like both! :)

#1: Bleeding. Great idea, bad implementation. Last night I got jumped by a zombie at full health (12000 blood), he hit me once before I killed him, but I didn't realize I had been bleeding until I was down to 3500 health and passing out! There needs to be a better indicator of blood-loss than a tiny white cross pulsing on/off on your blood icon. This can even be misunderstood as something else? It COULD be mistaken for a regenerative effect, since a medical cross often means health.

Suggestion: Have the blur-on blur-off effect on always if you are bleeding. This will continually remind the player that he is in immediate danger of losing blood. Maybe make the player continually make pained sounds as he's bleeding so you're always reminded of it.

#2: Zombie density in starting/coastal towns. Small coastal towns (Kamena, Kamorovo) should have a smaller density of zombies than bigger more inland towns. This will ramp up nicely with players who are starting out, have little ammo, and not much firepower. This is especially true now since zombie spawns have been increased dramatically. Currently (as of today) you can't get into any houses without alerting 4-5 zombies, and that means pretty much half of your ammo went to staying alive, only to check a house where there's empty bean cans. Ultimately I think more players will use the disconnect exploit to avoid this zombie scenario. Because right now, everyone will be getting chased out of cities. Hell, even tiny houses in the middle of forests have 3-4 walkers around them. Which is fine, but a respawning player needs to be able to start somewhere, and work his/her way up.

#3: Night time weather/light. I love playing at night, it's so much more atmospheric and intense. Playing during a bright moon is great. Playing when it's raining is terrible. I understand this is an old engine, but something has to be better than that rain. You can't see anything, and you can't do anything if it's raining. It's just /disconnect, and find another server. That's unfortunate. I think maybe switching the weather patterns, or make it rain less during the night. Let it rain, but for short periods, drizzle maybe, have it stop and start again every 5-10 minutes so players have to run around in spurts, timing out the windows between the storm.

Otherwise I'm having an absolute blast playing this game! Thank you to everyone involved. I'll see you in the treeline.


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I absolutely LOVE the bleeding/screen fade warning. I'm guilty of not paying attention to blood loss from time to time too. Realistically if you were spurting out a pint of blood a minute you would be VERY aware of it (unless you were in shock maybe). +1 for improving blood loss awareness. Wish you would have made your title more specific though.

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Just thought of a decent solution to night-time vision. I like what they did in games like Stalker, where there is a visibility fall-off that extends from your character at night. For example, a 3-5 meter radius of slightly visible, black/white desaturated vision bubble will encircle your character. Everything beyond that is the good old blackness we all have come to love/hate. This way you won't go charging down a hill into a city which you can make out zombies from far away, but you can still run to your location without falling off a cliff or smashing into a tree.

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Just thought of a decent solution to night-time vision. I like what they did in games like Stalker' date=' where there is a visibility fall-off that extends from your character at night. For example, a 3-5 meter radius of slightly visible, black/white desaturated vision bubble will encircle your character. Everything beyond that is the good old blackness we all have come to love/hate. This way you won't go charging down a hill into a city which you can make out zombies from far away, but you can still run to your location without falling off a cliff or smashing into a tree.


Hmmm... it's been a long time since I played Stalker so I have to say I don't remember that aspect? If it could be done in something that at least appeared very realistic this might be a nice addition.

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