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Dayz Commander unable to update arma 2 to 1.63

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Hi All, first time poster. I can't seem to get Dayz Commander to update. I've looked all over the web for different solutions and it seems like nothing is working. Says "ARMA 2: 95248(Out of date)" the option to install 112555(latest). I click install, everthing seems to runs smoothly and a message pops up that I've successfully updated from 1.62 to 1.63 - I click ok and still seeing the yellow "ARMA 2: 95248(Out of date)". Like nothing had happened.


Can't figure this out for the life of me. If any of you could help.. I'd be super happy. Thanks


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Because DayZ Commander used GameSpy (and GameSpy got shut down). There is a new program like DayZ Commander you can download Here. The 1.63 update is for Steam match making, therefor DayZ Commander will not work for anything past 1.62

Edited by MadWookie

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Thanks MadWookie. Any way I can direct dayzlauncher to my epoch folder so I wont have redownload epoch?

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Thats it ? I'm Super Noob and tried steam and that still won't work. And when was this Shutdown I was playing Super Sweet at 1PM EST Logged off for a sec abd *POOF* My DayZ days are gone. Is there anyone that can explain this in Noob english ? Like the servers are down - Ya have to change this that and the other - or your Screwed from ever playing DayZ. I could use any kind of help.

P.S. I was playing on a normal DayZ Mod Vanilla server if that means anything , a Private one.

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A lot of servers shutdown (around 3,000) due to the chaos of the last month for server owners, if you are still trying to use dayz commander though you will need to verify the integrity of your game cache through steam for arma 2 OA and arma 2. Let it download the necessary files then run each once so they can install properly. Restart dayz commander after this and it should detect you as having 125548 for arma and you should be good to join servers again. I would recommend switching to dayz launcher though as it's easier to use and updated more quicker than dayz commander. If you are interested in using dayz launcher I have a tutorial here that also explains more in detail if you don't know how to verify through steam, just ignore the steps about joining my server. http://gunsablazin.enjin.com/forum/m/22457958/viewthread/13050664-instructions-to-join-dayz-overpochupdate-arma

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Yes you can, you can either search the IP in the server browser or you can go to launch and then advanced. Once in there you will need to add the mods in the proper order (Epoch last if you are playing any form of Epoch).

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