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Atlanta 28 Admin Abuse

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My friend and I were playing on Atlanta 28 last night. It was only myself, TruexXx (my friend), and Biohazard (who had an admin tag). It was around 2am server time, when the server suddenly dies, and comes up during the day. That's the first abuse, changing the time just because he's online and wants to play during the day now, so he manipulated the time.

Here comes the real offense though. He kills my friend True in the grocery store of cherno... ok no big deal. My friend goes back to where he died and the admin was camping. True gets a shot on him, manages to kill him, watches him disconnect and then right after that the server drops and hasn't been online since.

I wish that we had video or screenshot proof of the above actions, however we do not. Even if nothing can be done about this, I still want others to know to NOT PLAY on Atlanta 28 because it has an admin that can't handle being killed.


Don't play on Atlanta 28, it has an admin who shuts down his server after being killed.

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