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Class types and skills?

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Perhaps an avenue to explore to try and limit this game turning into Call Of Duty is to introduce class types,

Skill types would balance out to encourage folk to stick together to expand survival options. Medic Classes, mechanics, soldiers, construction workers, hunters, etc. with appropriate skins.

Character movement could be stifled and noisy if carrying equipment that is not common with their class. Example - soldiers can only carry assault rifles and operate them skillfully without compromising mobility. Attempting to use unfamiliar equipment would result in possible breakages.

Also, how about players selecting good guy or bad guy classes? This would give them the appropriate skin at start up, that would be obvious to all. Should anyone continuously shoot there own kind, their skin would turn into a 'traitor' skin ( tatoos? )

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This is pretty much the opposite of what this game is trying to do.

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Why do you say that? I'd be interested to know. I thought it was still in Alpha.

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its purely about survival... we do what we can to survive... introducing classes will turn it INTO something like battlefield with zombies... something not needed here honestly

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Fair enough - but it is already Battlefield in many respect. Zombies are dispatched with ease once you have the basic easy to find arms.

By having classes that promote survival - hunter gatherers, construction workers, mechanics, etc - it could remove the total military angle that this game seems to have adopted.

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Rocket said he was planning on putting skills into the game that increased over the length of your character's lifespan.

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Classes would force players to adopt a certain playstyle. This game isn't about forcing you to do anything. It's about allowing players to make their own choices based on their situation and own personal goals. I get that people want to try and force teamplay, but teamplay isn't something that has to be forced. It's already advantageous to play in a group, just not a group of people that you don't know and trust.

Skills that raise as you use them are an entirely different matter, as they don't force you to play a certain way, but rather make you better at playing the way you already do.

Finally, zombies are not supposed to be the main threat. Players are.

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I currently like the fact that your dude is a badass and knows how to repair everything, and use everything...

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I see your points racecar - but going by the complaints on these forums, the way this game has turned into a PvP fest is obviously a concern. I like lone wolf style playing so yeah I agree, forcing teams is a no no. But having skill sets is like real life is it not? Being good at one thing, but not so good at another is pretty much true to life. This could be reflected in the game.

Your last statement - players are to be the main threat - is this your opinion or is this the intention of the mod designer?

Also, thanks for replying.

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I currently like the fact that your dude is a badass and knows how to repair everything' date=' and use everything...


Lol I was wondering about that. I'm out here repairing, and tearing down all sorts of things, chopping wood, starting fires, gutting animals. And the whole time I'm wondering who th F**k is my guy BEAR GRYLLS lol.

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I was thinking skills would be nice also. Just like Domination type maps, it would add to the teamplay aspect.

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Didn't rocket say in the PCGamer stream that he wants to have it so if you have skills in real life you can use them in game? and that he was against the idea of say perks?

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Didn't rocket say in the PCGamer stream that he wants to have it so if you have skills in real life you can use them in game? and that he was against the idea of say perks?

I shudder at the thought of any procologist or rape councillor playing this game if that is the case.

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Perhaps an avenue to explore to try and limit this game turning into Call Of Duty is to introduce class types' date='

Skill types would balance out to encourage folk to stick together to expand survival options. Medic Classes, mechanics, soldiers, construction workers, hunters, etc. with appropriate skins.

Character movement could be stifled and noisy if carrying equipment that is not common with their class. Example - soldiers can only carry assault rifles and operate them skillfully without compromising mobility. Attempting to use unfamiliar equipment would result in possible breakages.

Also, how about players selecting good guy or bad guy classes? This would give them the appropriate skin at start up, that would be obvious to all. Should anyone continuously shoot there own kind, their skin would turn into a 'traitor' skin ( tatoos? )


Sorry, but they made soo many suggestiions about this. And the most gamers here (included rocket himself) don't want to make a game like this with skills and sh*t. (:

So hang on and play the game as it is.

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I'm guessing he was thinking about the RO2 type system where, the increases are subtle and even maxed barely noticeable.

ro2's skills are based around a levelling system, though the increases to accuracy and reload speed for example are very subtle.

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So hang on and play the game as it is.

But the game is ever evolving is it not? Alpha and all that? Whilst I am

enjoying it 'as it is' - I don't think it will stay this way for too long for any

of us.

But anyway, it looks as though this Rocket fellow has already considered

classes, skills, perks, etc So I guess he knows what he is talking about.

T'was only myself thinking out aloud. :)

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Basic idea of having characters somehow skilled in some profession isnt basically bad, i wouldnt call it "classes" though, it should be more like "character background" and shouldnt you limit to eg. specific type of guns or something.

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Perhaps a system like the first Dungeon Siege. The more of one thing you do, the better at it you get. Maybe if you hunt a lot animals will spawn more frequently around your character. If you repair many vehicles, your chances of finding parts increases. That would be subtle and only affect your game play, not others.


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Basic idea of having characters somehow skilled in some profession isnt basically bad' date=' i wouldnt call it "classes" though, it should be more like "character background" and shouldnt you limit to eg. specific type of guns or something.


I remember that rocket saying something along the lines of "Your character's background is your's"

He meant that, for example, if you were good at watching the stars in real life, you'd be good at watching the stars in Day Z. If you're a good shot in real life, you'd be a good shot in Day Z.

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I've given this a lot of thought and I think the only way to do this would be to classify it as a "History" system. Who were you before the world descended into madness? No soldiers,mops, fire fighters, paramedics, doctors or nurses, they've all been caught up in the infection, are now zombies or dead. So we skip that.

Truck drivers, mechanics, butchers, cooks, carpenters, teachers, whatever we can think of, and the history only gives a slight advantage in one thing. Like the mechanic who fixes the fuel tank or engine gets the condition up higher than a normal person, or the butcher can carve more meat out of a cow.

We live in a time when we see a lot on TV and the Internet and we can guess at how to do things, so being able to change a tire or tune up an engine or cut some steaks from an animal. Some people will know how to do it better, and get better results.

Simple, maybe a reason to keep someone alive and on your team, but not anything that will hinder you from being yourself and playing any aspect of the game.

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"Perhaps an avenue to explore to try and limit this game turning into Call Of Duty is to introduce class types"

Call of Duty is class based...

And no, classes in Dayz is a poor idea. Classes are generally for team-based games.

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Putting in classes would certainly cut server load in half. Other than that, I can see no reason to use a class system.

In reality, people don't fit into a class. Joe the plumber isn't just a plumber. He can do other things as well. Using myself as an example, there is not many things that I can't fix or have at least a basic knowledge in. Even tasks that I have never actually done, I can usually do well enough to get by with.

Back before everyone was hand held all through their lives, people routinely did everything for themselves. It is called self reliance.

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Here's my suggestion: More complexity.

Expand medicine. Make it so that the real life doctors, nurses, and paramedics will be the doctors, nurses, and paramedics in game. They'll know the proper steps and medicines needed to treat a wound or a broken leg.

Expand hunting and tracking. Make it so that the real life hunters are and in game hunters. Add in animal tracks, scent, expand hunting. They'll be the ones in your group that know where the boar are or know which way a player in heading.

Expand repairing. Make it so that the real life engineering, sappers, and mechanics know the proper steps and tools needed to repair that truck or build a wall for you.

And more. People who are good at leadership and rationing will be the ones handling that for your team. People who are good at critical thinking will be the ones deciding whether or not to head into Electro for your team. Meteorologists, Cooks, Soldiers, Freerunners, they could all become parts of your team, using their skills to help you.

What I'm saying is, if Rocket's a miracle programmer that can somehow do this, it would be amazing. It'll add in more realism without making the game feel gamey, it'll expand teamwork, forcing us to group up with kindred souls to use their abilities for banditry or survivalism.

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This is a stupid idea. This is not a team-based game. Being good at one thing, but not another forces you to team up with others who are good at areas you lack in.

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