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DayZ Overpoch Napf - The ZHC NO BASE DECAY TOW + Lift PVP + AI Safe Traders + More

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We are a DayZ Overpoch Napf server. You will find service stations that repair as well as gas up your 350z and more. Beware there are AI zones in great places for a good fight. You won't find any at spawn though. So Heroes should make it a practice to patrol the area heavy for new spawns needing help and to take out the nasty bandits hiding in the bush. They are certainly ready to take you out as we do allow PvP.


Not all Overwatch weapons have been fused in, but in due time that may be possible. So far we have added over 390 new weapons to our traders. We are trying for an actual balanced version of our brand of DayZ and encourage team play without always leaving the lone wolf out of the picture. We have a donation system coming online that lets you earn tokens as a donator and you can buy equipment packs as you go.


We prefer NOT to use donator loadouts or or OP base zones. Everyone is fair game!


What fun is it, if you can't destroy it right?


Come visit us  to learn more at www.TheZedHeadCoalition.com


~ Remember no one is really friendly and this server is not for the faint of heart.


You find:

  • No Base Decay
  • Maintain Plots anytime you want, just for insurance
  • Towing and Heli lifting
  • Self Blood
  • Safe Zones - God mode, Zombie Free
  • Ai Missions with Overpoch loot
  • Some ai guarded loot zones
  • Custom clean trader categories that don't lag
  • Admin Events
  • Bambie mission - no ai treasure hunt, to help new players
  • SnapBuilder Pro - it's new and very cool
  • Expanded build zone from plot 45 meters.
  • More stuff I forgot about but you might like  :D
In the future:

  • Expanded base items aka Cargo containers, water fountains, static fuel tank etc.
  • Cargo Lift - for moving around expanded base items
  • I could use some help installing the Plot Pole for Life script. It's Overpoch and we expect to die a lot.
  • Clan skins - Overwatch allowed us access to tons of group skins we could make available to you and your friends. (this will not include expanded gear, just your looks).


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