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The day...everyone in the server died

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To get started, three of my friends found this helicopter in NW airfield. First thoughts we're like, holy shit it's a helicopter.

So, I make a break for it. My friend sees a dirtbike beside the heli and takes that, and I take my epic break from the airfield as fast as I can. Of course I hear someone in direct screaming "Dude, that's not where I parked my car!"

But it was too late. I was airborn. So, I park and my friends and we stored all of our gear in our trusty three-man camp site. We were on our way to deaths doors.

My friends, Joe and Ben, jump in the gunner spots of the helicopter. They'd been drinking, so again I was stuck being the designated driver. First things first, Joe say "Hey, let's hit up Stary. I hear there's a lotta wussies hanging around those parts."

So, we start lingering over Stary to pinpoint our victims... hovering at around 500 feet in the air...descending rapidly..

EXPLODE! In mid-air, the helicopter explodes. We're on our way down. I look at the chat..EVERYONE in the server had died. The only two survivors being my friends in the helicopter (That's what I get for being the designated driver, right?).

So I'm like hey, that must have been a glitch. There's no way everyone died in the server. In lobby I see 25 people go "WTF JUST HAPPENED".

And that sirs, is my story of the ages.



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Oh well' date=' game isn't supposed to be easy.


I actually find DayZ a bit easier than other ArmA mods. Probably because when no one is around the zombies are easy to avoid. I have problems sneaking into fortified cities when all the AI elements have small arms, RPGs and tanks.

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Your title made me think of american pie by don mclean. anyway, I do hope some solution is come across that doesn't harm performance.

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Oh well' date=' game isn't supposed to be easy.


Not only that. Every day there's another report of "server dying". And nobody can change that for now. So just stop making every day a new thread to this. Same with "I'm falling from the sky and die. Whole server died!! D:".. Thank you. (:

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