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New storage system? (for stuff you carry)

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Right now, the stuff you carry fits in to slots. The smallest unit for space is a 1x1 space, and many objects fit in to that amount. Many objects that fit in to this space are smaller than others (for example, a box full of rifle rounds will take up about 2/3 the space of a tin of beans). Could the system be reworked so that the grid is 10x bigger? That way a tin can be 10x10 squares and a box can be 8x8 (or whatever).


Ideally object space would be based off how big things are in real life.

A more ambitious system however, would allow for the more complicated side of packing. For example, something made of thin material such as a shirt can rapped around another object in a way which minimizes space usage. An example would be stuffing rags inside shoes in your bag. Ideally the system would allow for this in some way, however I am not entirely sure how this would work.


Any more ideas?

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its been discussed previously, other then weapons taking amorphous shapes in your inventory, a simpler idea was allowing stacking of smaller items like sardine cans, tuna cans, and most small medical supplies; and having a small bag such as a coin purse that would take one slot but hold a half dozen of the tiniest items like batteries, can opener, fishing hook, worms, etc

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