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Get booted back to arma startup screen after pressing continue with script scan

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Well, I've read countless threads about this, but I've done all what they did, reinstall dayz, arma 2 and arma 2 oa. However this only does this on Epoch, Overpoch, and possibly Overwatch (haven't tested). It does not do this on Dayz regular, only the ones i mentioned earlier. Anyone know why it does this? Also please no TURN OFF UR HAKS NOOB, because as i said earlier, regular dayz works.


When it does this, for a second i can see the trees swaying from wind and water moving etc, but then right after it stops moving and i hear no sound. (couldn't do the attatch files since filesize is too big).

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When I logged on, I saw that it said something like bis authentication failed or something like that. Is that possibly the problem?

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Alright, now it doesn't do that scan thing anymore. First pops up this message before I load in that says: http://puu.sh/ajY0B/1c57ebfa9a.jpg

Then it does this: http://puu.sh/ajY54/7ec4091c13.jpg

Now i auctually walked like 3-5 steps then it did this. The first time I tried it kicked me isntantly for the same reason, now i took 3-5 steps and it kicked me. Possibly getting somewhere now that i actually got in?

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Going into the BECLIENT folder and uninstalling (which is in expansions) then play on steam where steam setup made me install battleye fixed it. Please close this topic.

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