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How hard is this game actually?

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Since everyone on the forums are about "oh, this game is so unforgiving, oh this game is so hard to survive", I wonder what these people experience.

Me and my friends bought the game at the beginning of this week, we are touring around with a toyota pickup truck and a ural, and blew our ATV up for fun. Touring around, in search for perhaps a heli and stacking up more and more military weapons or ghillie suits (we're just onto our fourth/fifth FN FAL or something), and we found a GAZ being spawned in <...> by accident, I believe that spawnpoint isn't anywhere described. Our camp consists of maybe 14 tents and we're just like...what else has this game to offer?

Really, where is this difficulty level everyone is speaking of? If even a group of newcomers playing for a week can get this far.

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Try restarting without your tents solo ^^ then you might find a difficulty factor, stay around cherno and elektro. See what happens ^^ then you might find it to be a little more difficult then what you found. And your luck might have been better then theirs.

Instead of logging off at night, try playing at night... I think you just avoided all the difficult factors.

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True, try playing alone, from the very beginning with no items. Go into a big city and try and survive, (Join a server with many pople 40-50) You'll find it difficult, I promise you that.

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I wish I had friends to roll with. That would have made everything much much easier, and funner. But to say the truth. Playing solo and making friends to roll with is much much funner.

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very easy, and its not a game..

its like a crossword puzzles, when you've filled in all the spaces, there's no point in playing anymore

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The game is MUCH MUCH easier with a group.

I played solo or like 10 hours, then I started to team up with 3-4 people and the difference is HUGE.

Now we have tactics and we can have spotters when raiding. Something which is not possible when playing solo. Some people may think it is more exciting to play solo since it is harder, but I found grouping to be much more fun. Because I like the interaction with other players and the tactics vs other clans/groups when raiding hot spots.

The zombies etc. are more of an annoyance than being hard once you learn how they work. It is the players which are the main predators.

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Since everyone on the forums are about "oh' date=' this game is so unforgiving, oh this game is so hard to survive", I wonder what these people experience.

Me and my friends bought the game at the beginning of this week, we are touring around with a toyota pickup truck and a ural, and blew our ATV up for fun. Touring around, in search for perhaps a heli and stacking up more and more military weapons or ghillie suits (we're just onto our fourth/fifth FN FAL or something), and we found a GAZ being spawned in Vishnoye by accident, I believe that spawnpoint isn't anywhere described. Our camp consists of maybe 14 tents and we're just like...what else has this game to offer?

Really, where is this difficulty level everyone is speaking of? If even a group of newcomers playing for a week can get this far.


It's not "hard" not at all. There's a difference between being hard and being unforgiving. Make a mistake then sure, you might die but that's completely down to your situational awareness. If you go charging in to a pack of zombies with no decent exit point and get trapped, or if you fire a round off by mistake and bring them all too you then yeh, it will be unforgiving, but with that said, there's many ways to escape and it only get's easier.

The "hardest" part is getting the gear when you respawn. Once you got that? If you keep your eyes open, then it's pretty easy to survive. If you do die though and lose it all, then that's your whole character gone, that's unforgiving.

The more gear you got, zombies are just annoying, not dangerous. The more players you got with you, the less likely you are to get attacked by lone survivors. You've got aid to help you from other packs of players etc.

Now play alone, go off raiding a city, then go exploring, when you break a leg and have no morphine or buddies to pick you up, to carry the medical equipment or food then it's a bit harder. When you got someone watching your back and vehicles to carry your loot, it's considerably easier...but that's when YOU should be taking big risks.

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Ok' date=' thank you, then I will try to play alone from now on :P


Playing alone is HARDER, I didn't say it's more FUN ;p

Try taking some risks. Against other players that is.

I guess this is your first sandbox game? The thing with these genres, you make your OWN fun. You can do anything you want.

BTW, playing the bad guy is pathetically easy. How about trying to be some heroes? You know, as some have already suggested on this forum, wasteland medics, running around saving people. The danger is, those you saved can shoot you in the face. If you got buddies with you, they might be less inclined to do so. I've also seen an escort service helping new players getting geared up.

The choice is yours, you just need to think outside the box, all the tools are there and the idea's are quite limitless.

Shooting innocent people in the face or out numbering and/or gearing small groups of players might make one feel pro but really, it's the easiest thing out there. There's absolutely no skill involved and I bet a good portion of these bandits disconnect when shot at. Having them around is good for regular players as it adds some excitement and danger for them, but the amount of youtube vids I've seen of some sniper thinking he's absolute pro is laughable. It does say a lot about that type of person, but to play the good guy is a lot harder, and to play a group of good guys? I'd expect you'd be hunted down since people would love to take advantage of that. There;s your opportunity to make it harder

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Being alone with no friends, no food and no weapons is certainly a challenge. It's a challenge I really enjoy, though. That said, I do kind of wish fellow survivors wouldn't ignore/run away from me as soon as they see me. I haven't encountered many bandits. I've heard gunfire here and there, and managed to avoid any major confrontations, but at the same time it's that player interaction that I really love.

The one player who didn't run away from or attack me had discovered me bleeding out in the military camp outside the Airstrip, and he gave me a bandage so I could patch myself up. It was a fleeting moment of friendship, but I won't forget it any time soon.

But yeah, right now, starting with only really basic equipment and no food or weapons is a really fun challenge, to me. Learning the judicious use of weapons is also a challenge, as the past few times I've gotten hold of a gun, I've gotten myself killed shortly afterwards by actually firing it and attracting too many zeds for me to handle.

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The game is much more fun in a group. I have to say easier as well, but there is a lot of traveling and waiting trying to keep everyone in formation.

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The game doesn't seem to be that hard. But as a solo member you need to be cautious as all hell. I've had zombies and players sneak up on me before. Thankfully I'm usually prone in a bush at that point.. Yeah I'm new and I crawl everywhere otherwise I know I'd be dead by now trying to find loot.

Groups I imagine would be easier... Plus I think everyone at that point would have a gun to get out of a sticky situation. All I have is flares and a can or two :P.

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I don't know why so many people insist upon the game being overly difficult. Once you've found your first weapon (even a hatchet), it isn't, it can just be extremely unforgiving if you give the game/players an opportunity.

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