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NY84 [MAD] exploiters

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This isn't a rage thread, more of a son i am disappoint thread.

I understand people who disconnect during firefights because in all honesty, it's an unfortunate part of the game at this stage in time. But when the moderators and hosters of a server, in this case [MAD] disconnect after all being shot at least once, heal in another server, then respawn in areas tactically better than ours, on more than one occasion, it's pretty disappointing that they would promote this behaviour as clan members of the server they are a part of.

The fight was my mates (4 of us) vs 4 of them, with two of ours taken out early.

tl'dr: blacklist / boycott NY84 [MAD], for when clan members on their own server exploit the dc and reconnect bug so often, it's a fucking joke

and i really hope one of them comments here to try to talk his way out of being a little bitch

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Hmm, that's a server I go on a lot...would be interested to see how they respond. I was just at the supermarket in zelenogorsk and the entire building was barbed wired off. (from the outside)..wonder if they did that, lol. Took me 20 minutes to get there haha, only to find that >.

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You should see the NW airfield. Plenty of tanktrpas and wirefences in appropriate places on that server. Alas, I have had them disconnect a couple of times on me as well, easy solution: dont play there anymore.

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they changed the server's name to US188 and yesterday we went into a shoot out with them and what they did is log out and come behind us from another server and tried to kill us from behind,...guys just dont go to that server its US188 now ,they have no class they have no manners they have no respect they cheat just stay away from them

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The server name change was as per request of the hosting company. And we've been taking that barbwire down when we find it - it is annoying.

As for the fire fight nalby mentioned... after you [sPIDER] guys started shooting at us, I came in from the east, moving around the top of the hill and watched you guys taking pot shots from behind that rock. You killed two of our guys (rcc & Stuart), the 3rd stayed in cover (Tazzy).

I was watching & waiting on my sniper (andb52) to get into position, when one of your guys moved up the hill trying to get an elevated position. I engaged before he stepped on / discovered me, killing him, and then the dude in the ghille.

I was then shot and killed, and respawned in electro. I ran back into the fray, grabbed whatever weapons I could off your dead, and continued to engage, killing 1 or 2 more.

I was killed again, spawning on the east side Kamyshovo. Grabbing a Lee Enfield out of the barn on my way back to the engagement. Killing 1 more, then some zombies (which gave me my first disease), bandaged up, then gave my sniper (andb52) a blood transfusion who your team had wounded.

I grabbed an AK-74 and 1 clip (with only 27 bullets in it) out of his backpack, then we killed the rest of you.

I thought it was a great engagment. Thanks for the FN FAL, I love it. The M16 /w M203 glitched out and reverted back into the AK-74 long after the fire fight, when I relogged due to graphical shearing. It's too bad the BAF AS50 disappeared during all that, but it was great shooting the guy in camo with it.

As for morrIsunzz's complaint, I cannot speak to it. I wouldn't have been involved in that engagment. I take my deaths happily.

I was actually killed by a disconnector at NW Airfield this evening. He shot me from the ground floor entrance of the control tower. Our team moved in and surrounded the tower. And when we were inside, he was gone... I can only guess due to magical powers?!

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Plan and simple if there is a server with a good deal of constant DCers--- activate fraps before there is a gun fight so you can document the DC.

I'm assuming we will see xyz disconnect in the chat location.

This comment is a general one toward any mass DCing or ghosting.

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Plan and simple if there is a server with a good deal of constant DCers--- activate fraps before there is a gun fight so you can document the DC.

I'm assuming we will see xyz disconnect in the chat location.

This comment is a general one toward any mass DCing or ghosting.

most server you cant see connects and disconnects.


It was indeed a very fun firefight.

had 4 kills in it :P but died at the end, when i should have left the area. when it was quiet. ohwel we did recover some gear.

like my dmr and L85.

and a rangefinder

tho i did find it very interesting, all 3 people in the boat, had ghillie suits.

However, we didnt start the shooting to be exact :) we passed in the bus, when we heard friend of ours got killed where we passed, we turned, and headed back. thats were i saw the boat passing me. so i started fire. and the rest we know :P

but all in all. a 7vs5 firefight, was awesome, best fun sofar i had.

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I know that you have no reason to believe us, and no way of verifying it, but none of us disconnected in the firefight on Sunday. Oh, and Nalby, sorry about shooting you on the beach with my DMR! Two of us then flanked up behind you. You were all on that Eastern hill, and we ran up behind that deer stand. One of your mates, Booker I think, was near that deerstand and I killed him. I was up at the top of the hill with a DMR and, at one point, was shot down to 2000 blood and passed out. I came to and bandaged myself; no one came to finish me off, and Tango respawned to give me a bloodpack (the joy of having a firefight next to the beach!).

Also, regarding the namechange, the serverhost, Vilayer, changed almost all of the server names yesterday (including our own). NY 84 is now US 188.

Oh well :-) It was nice playing with you SPIDER guys for a short while!

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I've had problems with [MAD], involving them server switching to a better position than me. Sucksman

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I kinda doubt that's what's going on. I wonder if someone just hears the gun shots, and figure they can get in on the action.

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yah please dont say u didnt log out PLEASEEEEEE while i was shoting some1 with my AK he loged out ...he was pretty close to me so it was 100% logging out ...at least dont lie...

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On behalf of SPIDER Gaming Community, I'd like to bury the proverbial hatchet. (...but Rocket keeps putting them all over the map!)

Seriously, though. We've had great times on your server and we'll be back for more. Maybe this time we can team up, as I heard someone came by our Vent server to explain and try to straighten matters out. It was good to hear that report today from the lads; a mature step in the right direction.


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So, you were shooting "someone" who logged, yet your sure enough to call me a liar? Are you sure it wasn't one of your own team mates you were shooting up?

I put the effort in to calling the battle shot by shot, in an honest way, trying to relieve your internet rage QQing. I even logged into your vent to explain it.

You think I'd really put that much effort into lying about a video game, where there are zero consequences to your crying? I'm just trying to help.

But if you need to keep QQing, and talking nonsense on a forum... waste your time in whatever negativity you need to.

But I'm better than that - and no liar.

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