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Confirmation email

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Hello,I registered in the forums 4 days ago but didn't receive confirmation email.already resended twice!what can I do? Thanks!

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Same here for me. :( Tried both my hotmail and gmail, neither is receiving. Not in junk, have made sure it can come through. What's going on? :(

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I had the same problem, but check your profile. Mine says 'Registered' now. So i guess you don't need the confirmation anymore. (Normally you can't even post without confirmation)

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Though i can now add new posts without ever getting a confirmation email. i was unable to do this a few hours ago.

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We have received reports of confirmation email not being sent on IRC. Maybe you should look into it.

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I encountered the same problem...quite frustrating as I've been desperate to add to the suggestion forum haha!

However I am able to post now which is good.

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