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Max Head

2 steam accounts, 2 pc's, 2 copies of arma2 co but 1 dayz character!!

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As the title says after discovering he couldn't log into my pc on his steam account I've fresh installed a new copy of arma2 co, and dayz on my sons pc on his own steam account, but still when he logs in its my character, even when Im logged in at the same time!

I cant understand why this would happen when everything on his pc is a fresh install! Ive even wiped the folders and redownloaded the whole arma 2 package and dayz.

Any suggestions to solve this would be gratefully recieved. Hes dying to play this but he keeps logging onto my character so I wont let him! lol!

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There are a load of posts on this there is a solution, something like you need to close the game log out of steam log comp log in log on the steam you wanna play launch arma2 not dayz close it run dayz, if that's not it look around its on here a few times

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Yes, there are other posts...

it's simple.

You need a separate Steam account AND a separate Windows account for each player. You must be logged into both for each player to get them to work separately.

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You guys can't read that well,can't you? Takes a 2 seconds read: OP said,he already installed it on his son's pc,so he got 2 PC's..separate Windows account,jeesh.Some people here are either hunting posts or born with bread in their head.

OP,i think the problem is with you two getting the same IP from your router.

I'll edit this post for a possible solution,has to do with ports used by steam (need to be changed on one of your machines)

Edit: Try this on 1 of your PC's (either yours or the one from your son)

"Specifying a Clientport as a Launch Option

To specify a client port, please perform the following steps for each computer on the LAN

Go to Steam's My games menu

Right-click on the game you wish to play

Go to Properties

From the General tab, click on the Set launch options button

Add a different client port number on each machine between 27005 and 27032 in the following format:

+clientport 270XX

Note: Do not use 27020

Click OK

NOTE: This solution only works if you launch the game through the My games menu.

If you have already set other launch options, leave a space between the last character of your previous launch option and the + of your clientport setting."

This should allow you to play separate charakters,please report back if it really fixes your problem

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Thanks Dr... yeh it was frustrating reading those first few posts when obviously I had checked it out thoroughly already. Some poeple just wanna have a go! eh!

Much appreciated your solution and will try that out and let you know!

Hi again,

Problem with this solution is I cant launch the beta patch launcher via the client port/steam games library and I cant play the game unless I launch via the beta patch launceher as is dependent on the beta afaik.

Any suggestions for how to allocate a port via other means? I could use port forwarding I guess?

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Copy the Beta patch exe from Expansions/Beta to your regular Arma2OA directory,overwriting the old one (please,backup the EXE before doing that) and add this line to your startup parameters


that way you can start OA via Steam with the beta patch + steam overlay

(note: you need to copy over the beta exe each time a new beta patch gets released)

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ok thx..

done all except im not sure which start up parameters you mean me to change. You mean in the same "launch option" in steam where I put the client port? or a different one?

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ok this is VERY odd.

The reason I got my son a copy was that he logged into my character the other day when I had alice pack and lots of goodies and when I went to play it I was dead. So later that day I boudht his copy on his steam account.

Just now while waiting for a response to my query I created custom rules on my router and added his pc and my pc to seperate ports. Then I log back in and now many deaths later and im back on my character with the ALICE pack and goodies in eth same place that i left it originally! ... and he has since died on his toon and ive logged out and back in and Im still on my old character, and he is on his new one... very strange! but we now seem to have two seperate characters... for the time being at at least!

Thanks for the help with this...and Ill update if anything changes for future ref.

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