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Which mod to pick

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Hello... i have decided to try dayz mod (after playing standalone - dont hate me), and i am trying to decide which mod to play. I have been watching many Epoch/overpoch series on youtube for about a year now, and i really like those, but i would still like some more info.

1. What is the difference between Epoch overpoch or vanilla?
2. What other mods are popular and fun to play?



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From what I know is you can trade and buy good on epoch, on vanila you have to find everything.  On Epoch servers there are some really fun servers like with custom load and you can get your own base and all that cool stuff, also you can sell items like for silver or gold to buy weapons or ammo. On vanila you can start from scatch, which is like more interesting imo, food to medicine and weapons to equipment. I really recommend Epoch for new players because it's easier, because they provide you with custom gear where you can fight zombies if you're want to experience the PVE aspect of the game. If you wan to PvP I am sure they are tons of epoch pvp servers. When you feel comfortable sort of speak, you can join the 'hardcore' the vanila where you start with nothing and you must survive by finding your own gear. 


tl;dr: epoch is fun due to trading system over vanila :D

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I would try the Vanilla first. It gives you the real spooky feeling of the game. Not like epoch where you start out with 25 weapons and every 5 feet you walk there is a players base that streaches upward into the clouds with 60 cars and planes outfront that no one can get into because there all locked. So Lame , I did try Overwatch and that was really really cool with all the Skins and differant weapons , but the only thing i didn't like was that you were tripping over the ammo and weapons. If they were hard to find and scarce that Overwatch would be the best MOD ever.( If anyone knows of one please let me know ) But personally i like the true Vanilla. I found 2 great servers i have been playing on.

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Without a doubt start with the vanilla, it will give you the basics of the game and like you said the original "Spooky" or "desolate" feeling the game offers at its barebones state. Then if your interested and feel your starting to grow bored of the vanilla move onto Epoch, again its simple and will allow you to get used to base building and the way currency works in the game as well as that you can train your own PvP skills by carrying out missions. Then if you get bored even of that! you can go to OverPoch which is basically Epoch with a shit ton more guns loot and vehicles! the reason I say don't skip to OverPoch is because its like having a truck load of new systems and options being thrown at you all at the same time so I would just browse through the mods in that order until you get bored.



Also asa side note, even within the confines of these mods (Vanilla, Epoch & Overpoch) there are loads of different configurations and heavily modded servers that build upon these so you basically have a Utopia of choice in front of you to enjoy!


Happy Hunting!



Edited by MetalGearMiles

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