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Looking For a DayZMod Only Group

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I am just looking for a group with 

■4-6 people that I could join,

■the mod to be centered around DayZ Epoch and Overpoch.

■join a group that would have had a strong foundation on a server already


■can hold themselves in a firefight

■Be Serious when need be, (i.g. firefights etc.)

■I would also like a server where the population would never drop below 30-40 players, seeing as I actually want to find and/or kill people.

■preferably a group based on the east coast 

If you can match most of these pre-requisites, that would be fantastic! Just send me a message on Skype. name: SuperGinger.

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I can't seem to find your skype name, can you might PM me your country / region so i can find the right person?





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