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Don't Add NPC's

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As per Title, I've seen numerous threads now asking to implement Npc's in some way....

I feel this is a bad idea....Were in a apocolyptic world, it should be rare enough to see other surviours let alone guards and random people just standing there...I feel it will ruin the atmosphere

That's just my 2c,


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Don’t agree, I don’t have enough time to stand around gear I’ve stored in tents, so using an NPC to stay in one location would be perfect. I would need to keep him feed and water etc and also I’d enjoying kitting him/her out so they get stronger. As some1 said NPC are easy to kill, so don’t thing you’d against looting a well kitted out NPC.

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So what your saying there is, 'adding Npc's would make your life easier' So you can leave your loot protected, wonder off and do what you like.

Once again that ruins the gameplay and atmos...Should be down to yourself to look after your own loot, in a real world situation, you wouldn't be able to trust anyone.

These are the sacrifices you make, you choose your important loot to keep on you, and if your prepared to store loot you need to make the decision of leaving it unguarded to explore.

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NPCs don't fit in this game, I totally agree with you!

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