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Dog house loot bugged?

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I've only seen loot spawn at a dog house twice EVER and both times it was floating in the air. Is loot spawning at dog houses broken?

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Same as OP. Found a full mak floating in the air. tried for 5 min to get it, but couldn't get it. 90 pct of the time I find they don't have anything in them.

Also, they float 7-9 feet in the air. This one, the dog house was on the left side of the fence, but the mak was on the opposite side of the fence, with a zed lying behind the fence as well. So one could assume that the dog houses up against buildings ARE spawning loot, but it's 8 feet up and "inside" the building..... Oh well. I just ignore them anyway.

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Once I found an alice-pack in one and another time a zombie popped out of one, sprinting and screaming at me. I nearly shat my pants.

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I searched "dog house" and didn't see any other threads. Not that this is a critical bug, but I'm still surprised that this hasn't been brought up.

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