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Looking to make a small group

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I'm looking for some equal minded people to share the experience of DayZ. I've often lead both clans and guilds before from a young age up until now, but never in a game like this.

The goal is primarily to, you guessed it, have fun.

Nothing against bandits, but I'm not looking for people who only play to primarily ruin someone else's experience, that to me say's a lot about the person. However, I also have nothing against people murdering, but the difference between the two is one doesn't set out just for this reason. Killing someone because you don't trust them, paranoid, want their stuff, because you felt like it at that point in time is fine, hell, I'd even like to do raids killing anyone who get's in the way, but that's just it...their in the way, or, purposely hunting bandits.

However, seeing a poor defenceless guy running along the coast? No point in it. If they have no clear means of doing you any harm, then I don't want to group with the type of person who out right slaughters them, just 'cause.

I also don't want to pick up stragglers, no matter how much they seem trust worthy. If they persist in asking to join, then by all means, shoot them in their face.

I want 3 or so people. Preferably who knows how to work together and share loot. I want people to also use tactical analysis rather than run in guns blazing. Patience is a must. Example, see a store? 2 go in, 2 watch their backs. The front 2 cover the latter 2 as we leapfrog towards the store. Once in, people need to watch as we loot and then split it up once in a safe location.

Primarily the goal is to set up a camp way out in the wasteland far from any city's and hot spots.

Also after SOLO people, NOT friends. We met up as strangers and build trust up from there.

I'd like for mature people, but who can also have a laugh. I'm in my thirties and in Europe.

American's are free to join but you'd need to play mostly on an EU server. Women are free to join and keep the guys in check but you must cook, we will build you a kitchen. Younger guys can join, but don't have a squeaky voice. Older guys can join but we don't want your war stories round the campfire. Don't want greedy people, reckless people, stupid people or anyone who thinks their high up on their pedestal. Do not want whiners either, you die? Get over it. English is a must, voice is strongly preferred. I was only joking about the women, I don't think there's actually means to build a kitchen in the game, and you're more than welcome to join but remember, the world doesn't revolve around you and you'll be playing a game, not attention seeking, In other words, no special treatment - To anyone.

Yes, I sound like an ass don't I? Still interested?

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I'd very much like to join. The way you want to play, is how I want to play.

Recently just died running around in a city, UNARMED.. BOOM.. sniper shot to the face.

I'm from Denmark and soon to be 19! My steam is Nymanno, if you're interested in playing, add me!

I don't mind speaking over ventrilo/teamspeak. Just not skype, I hate the background noises.. :P


And if you don't have steam, just reply here or send me a private message!

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Me too!i'm looking for a mature group so we can explore/make camp/flaking tactics etc! PM me :)

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Okay sounds good, I'd like to "interview" some of you first if you don't mind. Sounds serious eh?! I'm just looking for a decent group that would last though.

Won't be tonight sorry! I'll get round to adding you soon though.

And to the Dane, I also dislike skype but I do think it's possible to have push to talk on it, but not 100% and currently, my TS3 Server went down and had some issues with my retarded host for it.

How old are you all, and where from?

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I saw your thread in the forums about you putting together a little group to play day z as it should be played. I am a fairly new player to the game, but I have played it enough to know how to play it, and also enough to experience the brutality to these hardcore bandits that kills you upon spawn. :dodgy: I am a 15 years old, but mature guy from Norway and my steam account name is Eikamin (old) under the alias MrHellDuck. My skype is also MrHellDuck... I hope you consider putting me on your team as I think I could be a real contribution to the you :)

Greetings MrHellDuck

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Well I might get time to see a couple tonight (need to do a few things first, will see how I feel) are you guys willing to roll on a fresh character and meet up? Ofc, it doesn't need to be fresh but we'd need to hit the cities and find as much as we can to start our adventure.

Seems a lot are interested, however, I'd only like a few as I said, when it becomes too many, I start to get a lack of trust, it's also slightly harder to remember who everyone is.

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I'm currently in elektro, so i can find my way from there to wherever you meet up or happen to spawn.

I'm also new Arma 2 is there anyway to bookmark/favourite servers so you can find them easier.

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I'm currently in elektro' date=' so i can find my way from there to wherever you meet up or happen to spawn.

I'm also new Arma 2 is there anyway to bookmark/favourite servers so you can find them easier.


I'm not on at the mo, I might be in a bit not sure.

I don't know, I use the six launcher and I did see someone on the forums say you can favorite a server with it but personally, I couldn't see the option (I admit, I only had a quick look) I just arrange them by name and go from there :p

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oh I just figured it out you have to click the little star just before the name on the server

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I'm 16 years old and looking for experienced players who want to create a survivor group; I have a tactical play-style and I want to continue doing loot raids, player ambushes and trips to the NW airfield.

Skype: flexeeee

Steam: flexee


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oh I just figured it out you have to click the little star just before the name on the server

Oh great' date=' thanks. I sent you a PM.


Okay, I sent some of you a PM, but if you're interested, please add a bit more details so I can get an idea of who you are. Location, age, what your interests are (in the game :p) etc

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(I'm the dane that disliked skype)

I actually have my own ventrilo server we can sit on when we play, aslong as we'll keep it at a smaller level (4-6 people), I own it with one of my friends, so I'm also an admin on it, so we can sit there quietly to ourself without other people on the ventrilo server disturbing us, annoying us etc.

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I'm really interested, private message me if you need a mature teammate, with the same goals/aims as you.'


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(I'm the dane that disliked skype)

I actually have my own ventrilo server we can sit on when we play' date=' aslong as we'll keep it at a smaller level (4-6 people), I own it with one of my friends, so I'm also an admin on it, so we can sit there quietly to ourself without other people on the ventrilo server disturbing us, annoying us etc.


Yeh that sounds cool, I sent you a PM also but I dunno if you got it, I looked for you on steam, well..its in the PM

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Hey hey!

I'd like to join up with you if you're still looking for people.

I used to play with a group of RL friends, but they all quit after a month or so, since then I've been lone wolfing. Cause I cant just stop playing this amazing mod.

I've been getting by pretty well staying in the background, but it gets boring pretty fast.

All games are better in a team :)

I'm 19 years old, and I hope I'll hear back from you with that interview.

Steam name is peppel3636

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Hey hey!

I'd like to join up with you if you're still looking for people.

I used to play with a group of RL friends' date=' but they all quit after a month or so, since then I've been lone wolfing. Cause I cant just stop playing this amazing mod.

I've been getting by pretty well staying in the background, but it gets boring pretty fast.

All games are better in a team :)

I'm 19 years old, and I hope I'll hear back from you with that interview.

Steam name is peppel3636


Alrighty, I haven't set up anything yet, just chilling for a bit. I'll let everyone know either way when it's final, probably calling it for a night tonight though.

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I'm down with joining up with you guys.

I'm not a new player, I have 100+ hours logged so far and I've been playing the same character for 3 days up in the northern wilderness, hunting and refilling water from lakes and wells..

That said, I'm bored so I would love the chance to help some newer players gear up, show you some good loot spots etc.. just don't stab me in the back because I went solo because of all the un-trustworthy players. It won't hurt me to lose my gear so much, but I'll definitely hesitate to help anyone else in the future if I get stabbed in the back many more times. :P

Anyway, just send me a pm here, or add me on Steam. Cyanyde420

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Sure im up for start a group with you! send me a PM, and i'll tell you my Skype!:)

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Hello Mr.Izziee,

I'm interested in starting a team with you. I'm 23, from the U.S., and your goals for the team is exactly what I'd like to do in the game. I'm new to the game but am familiar with how to play it. Plus, that can make it more fun as you learn together as a team! I don't have Skype but am willing to use any talk programs that the team decides to use. You should be able to contact me through my Steam account Nunazac with the picture of the pokemon Weavile. Feel free to send me a message if you are still looking for teammates. I'll prolly be off and on DayZ the rest of the night warming up/practicing.

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Britfag here, looking for some bros to survive with. Will be looking for a daytime, european/uk server.

All canditates must have good hygene and a gsoh

steam name: I want a massive bathroom

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