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trapped by bandits

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I'm trapped in a building with a machete. there are two bandits with AR's below me. does machete do enough damage to kill them quickly??? 

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Yeahhh.... you're basically fucked.

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Do they know you're there? Do they know you are unarmed? Are they in talking distance? Convince them in the time they've been messing around downstairs you've had a squad set up outside to take down any aggressors. Walk out feigning the confidence of a man who knows if he's shot he'll be avenged, break line of sight ASAP and GTFO.

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How i once saved my self from 3 bandits :
I was in the cop station,they knew i was there,they were chasing me for a bit,i was fresh spawn,so i decided to annoy them,as i didn't wanted to die easily,..i entered a room,they went after me,but every time they'd open the door,i'd close it,..after couple of minutes of them struggling to get in and kill me,one of them got pissed and told them " Leave this gay bitch here " ... kinda was a good tactic,might save some lives out there ;) . PS. Cop Station at berezino :) 

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Do they know you're there? Do they know you are unarmed? Are they in talking distance? Convince them in the time they've been messing around downstairs you've had a squad set up outside to take down any aggressors. Walk out feigning the confidence of a man who knows if he's shot he'll be avenged, break line of sight ASAP and GTFO.


This game needs more people like you.

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