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We all assume that players will have the ability to be a Zombie either upon death or by choice.  With that said I think a good way to expand on that idea is if when you are playing as Zed you have the ability to "latch" onto or have the other computer zombies follow Zombie you around.  Let's say if you were to wander near another Zombie for a period of 5 seconds that Zombie then follows Zombie you around.  Then you would be able to create a herd of Zombies to wander around the server. This would add an aspect to the game whereby other players can form groups to eradicate the Zombie herd you created.

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We all assume that players will have the ability to be a Zombie either upon death or by choice.  With that said I think a good way to expand on that idea is if when you are playing as Zed you have the ability to "latch" onto or have the other computer zombies follow Zombie you around.  Let's say if you were to wander near another Zombie for a period of 5 seconds that Zombie then follows Zombie you around.  Then you would be able to create a herd of Zombies to wander around the server. This would add an aspect to the game whereby other players can form groups to eradicate the Zombie herd you created.

I'm not sure who you are speaking for, but definitely not me.  I don't think zombies should ever have any type of intelligence, including a player behind the wheel.  If players do get turned into zeds (which seems unlikely considering the lore), I would expect it to be the same as dying, except your dead body would be roaming the world somewhere as a zed.

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Rocket has said that this (players becoming zeds) won't happen because players won't act like zombies. Might get added when modding becomes possible but that probably won't be for a good while yet.

Edited by Timmymachine109

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