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some minor suggestions from a noob

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Been playing the same toon for at least 20 hours. My fourth day playing. Absolute love @ first site. I adored fallout 3 (nv was ok, at best). The whole "aloneness" sp? Is amazing. I love getting spooked, I still can't play amnesia tdd alone. And I love that game. There's something about flesh eating, chasing and snarling beings that just haunt me. Excellent work rocket. Fuck these bashers... now, why were here...

Don't put gear/lootable items in portapotties, I wasn't even able to get my cursor to recognize the phat lewtz. It gave me the option to close the door and switch weapons. Boooooo! I needz meh phattee lewts brah.

Its probably the arma engine, but slow the zeds down. It kills me when I have 20 zeds tailing after me and I run into one in front of me and he goes wizzing by my character like he's on methamphetamine. Or in barns when they go ape shit and kill themselves by falling off the ledges. Its funny, don't get me wrong and also helpful. But zeds shouldn't help me by killing themselves.

Don't spawn zeds in buildings, and let's say you do... make them move around so they have a chance of walking out the door. Its obnoxious when I crouch my way up to a house, check windows and just see a zed herp derp diddly derpin inside. If that's how you want it. OK, but I think they should be patting like the ones outside.

Maybe create a sort of "bootcamp"? With little excersises you can practice. For the newbies of course. This isn't necessary as anyone who's having trouble should google it. But it'd be nice anyhow. I know when I started playing, wasd was all I knew. I had to youtube a video of some dude explaining the buttons. Escape>controls, yes yes, some of us are physical learners though.

Imo, bring back side chat with the option to turn it off. Everyones happy there. If this is implemented, you should be able to stay in side chat whilst having the douchies who speak in side chat's mics turned down.

Maybe some team based games? I.e. king of the hill, 2 teams pitted against eachother and the team to hold a zombie infested town the longest wins. All the while their opposition are zombies/survivors that are using the zombies as a means to weaken the team holding the capture point. Idk, maybe ctf? Be pretty neato. If not, no worries, good game anyways :D

I never got to play with the bandit skins, but that's a really kickass idea.

Nighttime is perfect, don't change that shit. So is starting without a weapon.

Maybe implement a first aid kit into the game. Even more rare than blood bags but can be found outside hospitals. This way you can heal some blood back without getting killed by the kid who just healed your wounds. It could even be an extremely small amount, maybe 200? Idk, whatever.

I don't think I understand how backpacks work. But whenever I find one, it appears to have no more slots than my starting pack. Even 1 to 2 extra slots would be so helpful. Made very cut and dry, swap packs, extra slot, old packs on the ground, new ones on back, items xferred, ready to go sir!

Ill post back if I could think of some more. Again, thooper thweet job rocket. Thanks for this kickass FREE mod.

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