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Check The Logs

Dayz.st server isnt working

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My dayz.st server, randomly shut down, wouldn't want to turn back on, but i got it on and it changed the name to WIN-GUHBU0DBI27, also changed my server ip, what the hell is going on??

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So you come here instead of contacting their support?

This is almost as bad as the mother that asked facebook what to do because her child drank bleach......

Edited by aimbot.eXe

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They NEVER contact back

This isn't server support, so you will have just as much luck here, and every time I have contacted them they responded.  Try joining their IRC.

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Just ask in their #Channel. No metaquestions though, people tend to not answer them on irc. Be patient not everyone responds immediately.

Edited by sm00tje

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