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Random Zondos

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I would like to see some zombies be a bit tougher (no increase in damage) I'm all for headshots being one shot but give some of them a bit more hp in the body region.

One shot in the gut with some weapons to drop a zombie? couldnt some of them randomly be a bit tougher? like 2-3 body shots to drop some of them? It will also add a little more heft to your in game decisions. You could get a group of weak ones or a group of tougher ones or a nice mix. It just might make u think twice about firing off that round.

Now before u cry foul about the newly spawned players ive got it covered and made a nice little map to illustrate it.


This will also make ammo conservation a bigger priority since headshots will be more crucial since that's a 1 shot for any gun.

Any constructive criticism or things to add? And if you like the idea let it be known!

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Well not all weapons kill zombies 1 shot

only snipers and heavy Assult rifels winchister shotguns lee...

its legit all smgs and normal Assult rifles are 2-3 shots to the body

most pistols doesnt 1 shot

if zombies will be tougher then normal pepole will be even harder becuse of thier AI

it allready hard to shot them becuse they run like crazy make them harder to kill? ><

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maybe not those exact percentages maybe tweaked down a bit XD... just made it for a general idea/starting point

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I'm all for classic Zombie's myself. ie unless you shoot or bash em in the head they just keep coming you might drop em with body or leg shots but they'll just get up again and keep coming.

Never put it in suggestions cause i know it will just get flamed like crazy.

I do like your idea though but maybe after they fix Zombie glitches first

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