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Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

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This has happened a few times, but most recently on US 131. I have no video so I'm not going to make a cheat report.

5 people on the server, I am WAAAY north of NE airfield, in a forest at night. Driving my ATV in the forest, get shot at by silenced weapon and minor wound. I sped off, travel in a direction for a minute, then the guy is very close again (or another guy) shooting at me. Minor wound again, anyway i keep driving for another minute in same direction and then the guy is shooting me with another silenced weapon at close range.

I was not going in circles, it seemed like the guy was teleporting to me repeatedly and shooting me.

Am I going mad or does such a hack exist?

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Yes they exist, I've witnessed people using them to scan the edges and beyond of the map for tent camps etc. It seems to give them the ability to teleport short distances - say 80m or so. Wouldn't have any issue keeping up with you.

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What were you doing in the forest with an ATV? How can you possibly navigate at night - Oh, you're one of those fancy people with Night vision goggles?

How did you find the ATV? I can't seem to find one on my server.

I've heard of Teleporter hacks but never seen them

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I think the teleporting hack is becoming fairly common.... frustrating my teams efforts to get anywhere on the servers if people are just porting willie nilly.

This is not the first time I have seen someone teleport on US 131 as well.

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Yes there are TP-hacks that allows the player to teleport anywhere on the map.

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I think the teleporting hack is becoming fairly common.... frustrating my teams efforts to get anywhere on the servers if people are just porting willie nilly.

This is not the first time I have seen someone teleport on US 131 as well.

Wasn't your team on the server with you? How many people does the ATV hold? Please answer my questions I need to know =(

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ATV holds 2 people, i was alone at the time, my team and i have witnessed teleporting on a seperate occasion.

And i recall you being on the server Drakargh or someone with a similar name.

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Just like you I logged into the server shortly after it reset, had died BEFORE the reset while I was AFK in MY camp. Which happens to have had an ATV in it.

I'm asking because you say "my atv" when that location says you were on mine.

When/how did you find it? Did you have night vision goggles, walking around in the woods in pitch darkness? It seems a bit suspicious that immediately after a server reset you're in the location of my camp where I was killed and say you were driving on my ATV.

What gives? What's the story?

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Just like you I logged into the server shortly after it reset' date=' had died BEFORE the reset while I was AFK in MY camp. Which happens to have had an ATV in it.

I'm asking because you say "my atv" when that location says you were on mine.

When/how did you find it? Did you have night vision goggles, walking around in the woods in pitch darkness? It seems a bit suspicious that immediately after a server reset you're in the location of my camp where I was killed and say you were driving on my ATV.

What gives? What's the story?


Don't know how to disconnect when you go AFK? You weren't even at your computer to see yourself die, why would you start throwing accusations at someone? Vehicles get jacked all the time, hide them better.

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there is currently a public bypass out that allows to use scripts easily.. i suggest waiting a bit its pretty bad and will cause a massive global ban wave soon

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I saw a teleporting hacker on NY47 last night. He was killing noobs near Cherno/Electro with a .50 cal sniper. I think I died to him at Elektro and respawned at Cherno. Ran to the north barns and he killed some poor guy looking for a weapon. The gun has an extremely distinctive sound and I recognized it from when I died in Elektro so I went to investigate with my hatchet, hoping to catch him in the trees. After running through a field and into a tree-line, I found there was a guy behind me with a huge rifle and a zombie chasing him. When he saw that I had turned around and was looking at him, he simply vanished and the zombie stopped chasing him. It was really weird. I never saw him again, though. After that there were two chavs in ghili suits riding around in this crappy car on the coastal road killing any recent spawners; after dying to them a few times, I just logged to do something else.

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Just like you I logged into the server shortly after it reset' date=' had died BEFORE the reset while I was AFK in MY camp. Which happens to have had an ATV in it.

I'm asking because you say "my atv" when that location says you were on mine.

When/how did you find it? Did you have night vision goggles, walking around in the woods in pitch darkness? It seems a bit suspicious that immediately after a server reset you're in the location of my camp where I was killed and say you were driving on my ATV.

What gives? What's the story?


Don't know how to disconnect when you go AFK? You weren't even at your computer to see yourself die, why would you start throwing accusations at someone? Vehicles get jacked all the time, hide them better.

ATV was perfectly hidden amongst trees. OP didn't have nightvision goggles as of his own admission - Not being able to see who shot him. How did he find an ATV in pitch darkness with a flashlight on the edge of the map right after server restarted when he wasn't there before?

Something sketchy going on here.

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I was the one that killed you, Slimer. Logged in to camp before sleeping to return what was left of my supplies to the ATV, only to notice the headlights and engine on, with someone driving around. So I turned on my NVGs and hunted you down with my MP5SD. No teleporting involved, it's not hard to follow bright lights and loud sounds. Unloaded about a clip and a half to finally kill you. You didn't drive in circles, but instead you drove in a straight line, and turned around and drove back, which was when you died. Assuming you were also the one that killed Drakargh? Anyway, doesn't really bother me that someone found it, but what bothers me is that you say "my ATV", and you managed to find an ATV in the woods, during night time without NVGs. Not accusing you of anything, maybe you were just lucky. But why would you say "my ATV" on an ATV you just found? Improper wording? Wouldn't someone usually say "Driving an ATV I just stole in the woods" or something similar.

Congrats on the find, and shame it ended with your death. Vehicles come and go. Actually a little upset you didn't get away with it, because I'll probably die from the ATV anyway from flipping it.

On a side note, there was also a bunch of weapons missing from the ATV, not sure if you deleted them, or we were raided earlier. Raids happen, no big deal.

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OP hasnt stated he doesnt have NVG?

This dude Drakargh doesnt even know what an ATV is.

Are you playing with Drakargh Syntraxx?

And last, why are you crying over a lost atv, and who the hell cares if he states its "his atv", ofc it is his when he took it.

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Drakargh was clearly trolling, and no, he didn't have NVGs. I killed him and checked his body. If you read my other post, you would probably noticed I said he had headlights on. Who uses headlights with NVGs?

Edit: Also, who's crying over a lost ATV? I recovered it, and if you actually read my post, I said things like this happen and it's to be expected. The map isn't that big and camps/vehicles are easy to find.

Edit 2: Also pointed out "his ATV" as a fact that he didn't post the real story, as to it was an actual stolen ATV and the way he posted made it seem like people teleported to his camp, killed him and stole his vehicle, which is not the case.

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I'm so confused. So he DIDN'T have night vision but he found my vehicle in the dark?

Sick of dying to hackers in this game. It's hard to recommend anyone to a game where you just get cheated every time you get ahead.

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I'm so confused. So he DIDN'T have night vision but he found my vehicle in the dark?

Sick of dying to hackers in this game. It's hard to recommend anyone to a game where you just get cheated every time you get ahead.

and? i only had NVG 2 times since i play , and found in almost complete darkness a bunch of shit. So ? im a hacker?

Btw, the fact the OP don't saw the guy shooting him do not means at all he didnt because of night. When you are shot, you don't stay like a flower watching 360° for age , you fucking run and hide and heal yourself before trying to know where is the shooter, and how to take him down.

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I'm so confused. So he DIDN'T have night vision but he found my vehicle in the dark?

Sick of dying to hackers in this game. It's hard to recommend anyone to a game where you just get cheated every time you get ahead.

He's a hacker cause he can see in the dark?

I don't think you quite know what that means.

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Rofl wish I was still online to see this!!! The fact that this server got hacked before and our camp got messed up, crying over the only vehicle left in the map (Bikes/ATV's) yeah its the only transport left... since a bunch off hackers teleported all the main cars/trucks. This included a Bus, 2 flat beds, blue hippy van, white pick up, UAZ and Land-rover (military) along with some bikes and these vehicles were not in the same place we spaced them around about 800m's apart in fern trees you could hardly see them. so now everyone that plays has to resort in running for 30/1 hour to get to the other side of the map where they wanna be to meet people... "its just an ATV"... Yes the only one left in the god damm map.

"He's a hacker cause he can see in the dark?

I don't think you quite know what that means."

Have you played pitch black in the woods trust me you wouldnt see anything it would look like your screen was turned off.

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I've had an ATv on that server for 3 days, I'd just started to migrate it to the east coast.

The fact that you lost your ATV is a coincidence. It definitely was my ATV had it for ages.

Your accusations are very suspect. I was driving with the lights on. No NVGs, i dont seem to be able to hold a pair of NVGs for more than a day or two.

You are barking up the wrong tree here. If you must know i was north of the Guba inlet.

It doesn't matter to me anymore, I am convinced that US 131 is rife with hackers. I'm not going back unless it's with the team, maybe even not then.

As far as Syntraxx killing me, as far as i'm concerned, i was shot at constantly for about 3 mins. I would have guessed the first rounds were from a M4 SD then later by MP5SD. I was going in one direction but zig zagging.

Syntraxx is suspect.

EDIT: for spelling and grammar (such as it is)

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I've had an ATv on that server for 3 days' date=' I'd just started to migrate it to the east coast.

The fact that you lost your ATV is a coincidence. It definitely was my ATV had it for ages.

Your accusations are very suspect. I was driving with the lights on. No NVGs, i dont seem to be able to hold a pair of NVGs for more than a day or two.

You are barking up the wrong tree here. If you must know i was north of the Guba inlet.

It doesn't matter to me anymore, I am convinced that US 131 is rife with hackers. I'm not going back unless it's with the team, maybe even not then.

As far as Syntraxx killing me, as far as i'm concerned, i was shot at constantly for about 3 mins. I would have guessed the first rounds were from a M4 SD then later by MP5SD. I was going in one direction but zig zagging.

Syntraxx is suspect.

EDIT: for spelling and grammar (such as it is)


That ATV wasn't even in that location until about 1hr before you were driving it. It wasn't there yesterday, or the day before.

I don't know who to believe anymore.

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I know it has been said before, but there are teleport hacks for sure. Just lost my lovely newfound DMR and a red UAZ to some russian guys.

One of them just appeared behind me and shot me :( And no, he didn't sneak up. There was simply no time for him to do that, or else I'd have seen him running up to me (was on some hill)

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Drakagh, believe me, i had a base on the west edge and i spent some time today transferring it across to the east. Truth.

If i had found your ATV i would have taken it. Also truth. Why would I lie?

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Drakagh' date=' believe me, i had a base on the west edge and i spent some time today transferring it across to the east. Truth.

If i had found your ATV i would have taken it. Also truth. Why would I lie?


If you can please recount your events from the time you logged in, maybe they are two different ATVs?

Like did you log on AT the ATV you got shot off? Was it in the open or under a tree, were you in a forest or a field or what?

Hopefully we can find the hacker if we narrow all this down. Sorry for the accusation mate!

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