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Video settings

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I'm wondering what video settings people are using to get the best results from DayZ.

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Use lowest possible, and your native resolution. I prefer it this way, me being a performance guy. (And it still looks good)

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The question is far too general and without knowing your system specs it's difficult for anyone to even know what to suggest.

One thing though, that a lot of people overlook, is to make sure your 3d setting matches whatever you have set your screen resolution at. Having them set to different resolutions can make the game look a bit blurry.

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I only use my laptop which has an i7 3610QM @ 2.30GHz, 8GB RAM and a nvidia GEFORCE GT630M 2gb.

The game runs quite well as it is and it's set to the default which is High. Playing on Very High it runs alright as well.

I'm wondering if altering the advanced settings is worth it.

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I still don't get why you are asking us. If you don't have fraps, get it so you can check your FPS. Bump some advanced settings and see what the hit is to your FPS. It's not rocket science.

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turn off post processing

set video memory to default

also do whats mentioned earlier about resos

wouldnt bother going very high- little or no differance to high at all. (except for shadows)

aa on low or normal.

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I only use my laptop which has an i7 3610QM @ 2.30GHz' date=' 8GB RAM and a nvidia GEFORCE GT630M 2gb.

The game runs quite well as it is and it's set to the default which is High. Playing on Very High it runs alright as well.

[b']I'm wondering if altering the advanced settings is worth it.

Yes it is. Check the Performance Improvement threads, there they state usually which settings have the most impact. Your thread is totally unclear on what you want, and it seems that you rather have other people telling you what to do instead of looking it out yourself, without putting the effort into precisely stating what you exactly want. Your OP of 1 sentence is proof enough.

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