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Cannot play OverPoch, HELP!

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So i have just recently downloaded dayz mod after playing the standalone...

I wanted Dayz Overpoch so i followed the youtube tutorials using Dayz Commander. I installed both epoch and overwatch and put in the launch parameters -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;

Everytime i join a server i either get the "Authentication Timeout" message, an error of some sort where i cant load a file or get the loading screen glitch where it just stays about halfway loaded on the second screen.

I have tried everything i have seen with no luck, the only thing i could think of is when i installed the arma 2 beta patch i get "Wrong CD key" but it still looks like it downloaded.


Any help would be much-ly appreciated as a really want to play overpoch.


EDIT: In seeting the dayz directory is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ when the actualy folder has all lower case letters for \@dayz. When i check override it and change it it doesnt let me download the arma 2 beta patch at all though. (not sure if this matters)

Edited by Motch

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Hm. Why does anyone want to play Overpoch? :)


Maybe a version conflict in either Overwatch, Epoch, DayZ Mod or Beta Patch.


Or maybe just a f*cked up server.


So many options.

Edited by dayzjarhead

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So i have just recently downloaded dayz mod after playing the standalone...

I wanted Dayz Overpoch so i followed the youtube tutorials using Dayz Commander. I installed both epoch and overwatch and put in the launch parameters -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;

Everytime i join a server i either get the "Authentication Timeout" message, an error of some sort where i cant load a file or get the loading screen glitch where it just stays about halfway loaded on the second screen.

I have tried everything i have seen with no luck, the only thing i could think of is when i installed the arma 2 beta patch i get "Wrong CD key" but it still looks like it downloaded.


Any help would be much-ly appreciated as a really want to play overpoch.


EDIT: In seeting the dayz directory is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ when the actualy folder has all lower case letters for \@dayz. When i check override it and change it it doesnt let me download the arma 2 beta patch at all though. (not sure if this matters)

Hi, your issue is simple to solve.

Simply follow these steps:

1) Go to install/update tab on DayZ Commander

2)Re-install the Arma 2 OA Beta Patch to the most recent version (currently 112555) (Note: You might get the error, "wrong cd key", simply click ok and continue the process)

3) Close DayZ Commander

4) Start DayZ Commander

5) Run your game and join any server :D


Source(s): I own a DayZ Overpoch server and deal with players that have issues like this day to day

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