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Looking for Clan

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I've been playing for a couple days, so with that said I'm a bit new. I understand the basics; eating, drinking, running, finding gear, ect. My problems are 1) I don't know the map at all (was at vybor trying to go to the NE airfield and ended up in Novo...) 2) I can't go very long without some guy with a mosin shooting me in the face from a million miles away when I have little more than clothes and a fire axe. I am beginning to think it would be pointless to keep playing this game as a solo player. My goals are simple: Learn the map, stop being mosin fodder, and to have a bit of fun. I do have teamspeak and a headset if that matters.


Edit: Forgot to mention it's Standalone not mod

Edited by RaiYoshi

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Hi, im the owner of {PK} Pro Kollusion we are a heavy DayZ orientated clan, we're quite a new clan but we have extremely experienced players and we are growing fast. I'd be happy to talk to you a bit more if your interested in joining? i think we could help you out and help you be  a better DayZ player. feel free to add me on steam at MyJacobFaceYT or stop by our teamspeak and look for either myself or Psycotic, heres the team speak server:

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