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the1freeMan (DayZ)

intentional gun/aim lag, aiming is broken again.

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Before version 0.45 aim was perfect for me. Now in honor of the "realism" effect the gun lags intentionally behing you're center point of view.

Now personally I despise any attempt at these kind of mechanics as I feel trying to emulate gun weight limiting mouse movement will just make the mouse feel awkward, as if you had input lag.

I understand how people might like the IDEA of a more "realistic" gun handling, but please tone it down, at least half of what it is at the moment.

Make it more proportional so the pistols are not affected at all (and give us AP rounds ^^).


If it were only for me, I wouldn't give a rat's ass about player turning speed looking weird vs aiming feeling weird and would adopt the arma3 solution where you lose accuracy with fast mouse movements rendering flicks effective only at extreme close range.

Videogames are always a simplification of reality, even realistic survival/military simulators. Controlling your character must feel intuitive and natural. This system doesn't and I find it better how it was before the last two patches.

Edited by the1freeMan
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