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I did it again.. ;)

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Another successful hunt this night, Brothers! Our story begins with a small Air field just above Balota; with two courageous new spawns who ventured there in the dead of night to find some military grade weapons, and medical supplies. I must commend them for their bravery, and team work! But.. how were they supposed to know I had just recently set up camp on a hillside overlooking the hangars, and the base itself? It would've saved their lives if they had. How did I hear them coming, you might ask? They made great use of the Direct Chat system, which was most helpful for me seeings how they overused it in the dark so that they did not lose sight of each other. It was also wonderful that they had just recently made a trip to the nearby tents, and one of them had picked up a military grade flash light. I truly applaud them for their helps in this whole thing. Now.. The leader of the two, the one with the flash-light.. he stopped moving, and he shined the light on the hill I happened to be upon to make sure nothing was there. He didn't see me, fortunately, and continued to look through the hangars. I was going to kill them before they got in, but I hadn't been in the hangars in awhile, and who knows? Maybe they'll find something and save me the trouble! So there, I waited. I had my binoculars scoped on them the whole time, and when they had successfully searched both hangars, they went to the actual base itself and scrounged around. Apparently this is where they decided to make camp, because they sat upon the top part of it and simply conversed among themselves. This is where their life met a fatal end. With a simple two bullets from my Lee Enfield rifle, the two of them fell to their deaths. From this hunt, I gained the following:

AKM Assault Rifle + Ammo


Blood Packs


And that SENSATIONAL feeling of a successful hunt..

Thank you gentlemen very much.

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the joys of nubs sitting on top of air control towers :D

sniped two of them in the same spot in krasnostav airfield.

one of them gave me morphine, a toolbox and some meat, saving me a trip to the coastal hospitals, the other came with a tractor, so i had a ride out of the airfield.

the tractor owner, may he rest in pieces :D


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A glorious hunt it was! With many more to come, I'm sure. And what a wonderful picture! It's very similar to what happened with me. Happy hunting!

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