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How come like 75% of all servers cannot connect to the hive...

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So since last patch majority of the servers display some sort of message either in name or in game that the server will wipe you and cannot communicate with the central hive....


Why has this not been resolved? I play on like 6 different servers regularly(4 of which I added since this issue arose simply cause It is rare to find a safe server) but it was nice to have a variety of servers to join in the event one was down or others had a high ping. Now your risking death not only for climbing ladders, going upstairs but also choosing the wrong server...


also now that spawn timers are back I find that anytime I am rewarded with one (No message received.....) I get the infinite please wait message. In order to successfully change servers I need to stop playing go do something for 2-5 mins then select a server...the spawn timer completely locks me out of all servers...


Factor in the fact that half the time I swap servers the game is closed completly and needs to be relaunched and that every other time I refresh the server list my internet times out as a result of some sorta DDOS the devs do to us...I pretty much quit playing as soon as someone resets the server I am on cause it like 10-15 mins before I can be up and running again.

Edited by trev186

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For me the servers that have this issue are pretty much EVERY fragnet server.  The ones hosted from other companies seem fine though.

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For me the servers that have this issue are pretty much EVERY fragnet server.  The ones hosted from other companies seem fine though.


Fragnet, Gameservers, generic named vilayer....Only servers that seem to be safe are unbraded servers....but still we have a list of like several hundred servers and less than 10-20 of em are safe in my testing. This persists for over a month and no mention of what is causing it here nor did the devs appear to try and fix it in the last experimental 

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