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i worked at bk the burgers arent to great.

Name (Screen Name) :CookiexMuncher
Age : 21
Location (Country) :usa
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088606478/home/
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic):sniper/assault, depending on how many people are with us, and what we are doing.
Average Hours Per Day:5hours depending on work scheduled
Experience On DayZ:i use commander so you cant see how many hours i have, but its around 400
Other (If necessary): been in a clan before they didnt really have ranks you can move up threw, but they taught me everything i know.

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Name (Screen Name) : Cheech
Age : 16
Location (Country) : FL, USA
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/888wow
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): All
Average Hours Per Day: 3+
Experience On DayZ: 2000+ hours on Arma 2
Other (If necessary):

Edited by TracksuitHitman

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Name Dirty :

Age : 22

Location (Country) :USA


Steam Name/URL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998671547/

Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Assault/sniper

Average Hours Per Day: depends if I have no work till about 3 am west coast time. But if I have something to do I won't even get on

Experience On DayZ: been playing for 3 years

Other (If necessary): email me at samtheman321@gmail.com

Edited by samuel108

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Name (Screen Name) : Daniel
Age :  19
Location (Country) : US
TeamSpeak: Yes/No Yes
Steam Name/URL: docterst34lth
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper. love to provide overwatch!
Average Hours Per Day: 2-5
Experience On DayZ: Have 200 hours on Arma 2 oa and countless hours on overpoch 
Other (If necessary): Really want an active group to play with!!

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Name (Screen Name) : OMINIX
Age : 22
Location (Country) : USA
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialOMINIX/
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper but I sometimes like to switch it up and play as an assault class every now and then.
Average Hours Per Day: An average of 5 - 10 hours every other day.
Experience On DayZ: played over 200+ hours on DayZ Standalone, Just getting started on DayZ Mod.
Other (If necessary): I play Archeage as well and many other FPS's like BF4, BF3, and MW3.


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Name (Screen Name) :Warheero
Age : Location (16 eastern us time

Country) :usa
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL:warheero77
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic):doesnt matter
Average Hours Per Day:4 - 6
Experience On DayZ:i have about 70 hrs played , pretty fast learner
Other (If necessary):

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Name (Screen Name) :Warheero

Age : Location (16 eastern us time

Country) :usa

TeamSpeak: Yes

Steam Name/URL:warheero77

Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic):doesnt matter

Average Hours Per Day:4 - 6

Experience On DayZ:i have about 70 hrs played , pretty fast learner

Other (If necessary):

I cant find you on steam. Add me please. MadWookieUSG

Edited by MadWookie

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Name (Screen Name) : Deadlyfox
Age : 19
Location (Country) : Canada
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: Deadlyfox/ http://steamcommunity.com/id/majmampre
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Any (preferably assault or sniper)
Average Hours Per Day: 2-4
Experience On DayZ: Have played DayZ arma 2 mod for about 2 years and have since just got into Overpoch
Other (If necessary): Not familiar with any of the basebuilding elements of Overpoch but am willing to learn.

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Name (Screen Name) : Tranquill
Age : 15 (It won't sound like it)
Location (Country) : USA
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BrosGamingHQ
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper/Assault, those are my two prefered positions but, I could be either of the three.
Average Hours Per Day: 2-4 hours depending on what's going on that day.
Experience On DayZ: Quite a bit although I am rusty since, it has been a good month or two since i've played last.
Other (If necessary): N/A

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Name (Screen Name) :click
Age : 21
Location (Country) :UK
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990663179/
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic):sniper
Average Hours Per Day:well i can play allday tuesday thursday saturday sunday and after 2pm GMT on every other day
Experience On DayZ: i been playing dayz mod for about over 300 hours and standalone for 400 so i know what im doing
Other (If necessary):i have been in clans before that i work with pretty well till they just stoped playing so i got good teamwork within a small squad

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Name (Screen Name) : Ronin
Age : 14
Location (Country) : USA
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: Ronin
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper and recon
Average Hours Per Day: 2+ Hours
Experience On DayZ: Currently have 77 hours on standalone, as I have been playing for a few months now. I am familiar with the game and can handle myself in combat situations. I've only played the original mod a bit though.
Other (If necessary): In the past, I've traditionally worked in a team of two snipers, but I can work in a large group if needed.

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Apologies about the second post, first one refused to go through on my side!

Edited by Desy

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Name (Screen Name) : Ronin
Age : 14
Location (Country) : USA
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: Ronin
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper and recon
Average Hours Per Day: 2+ Hours
Experience On DayZ: Currently have 77 hours on standalone, as I have been playing for a few months now. I am familiar with the game and can handle myself in combat situations. I've only played the original mod a bit though.
Other (If necessary): In the past, I've traditionally worked in a team of two snipers, but I can work in a large group if needed.




Name (Screen Name) :click
Age : 21
Location (Country) :UK
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990663179/
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic):sniper
Average Hours Per Day:well i can play allday tuesday thursday saturday sunday and after 2pm GMT on every other day
Experience On DayZ: i been playing dayz mod for about over 300 hours and standalone for 400 so i know what im doing
Other (If necessary):i have been in clans before that i work with pretty well till they just stoped playing so i got good teamwork within a small squad



Edited by MadWookie

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Name (Screen Name) : Unitato
Age : 17
Location (Country) : USA (california)
TeamSpeak: Yes/No YES
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086341746/
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): sniper/assault. mainly sniper
Average Hours Per Day: 3-10 depends if the clan is doing something
Experience On DayZ: been playing for about 2-3 years

Other (If necessary): Would love to play with mature people this time around.

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Name (Screen Name) : Unitato
Age : 17
Location (Country) : USA (california)
TeamSpeak: Yes/No YES
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086341746/
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): sniper/assault. mainly sniper
Average Hours Per Day: 3-10 depends if the clan is doing something
Experience On DayZ: been playing for about 2-3 years

Other (If necessary): Would love to play with mature people this time around.


Edited by MadWookie

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Name (Screen Name) : Tommy
Age :  16
Location (Country) : Canada
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198134101683

Role: Sniper/Assault

Average Hours Per Day:  2-4hours per day but varies from time to time

Experience On DayZ: 100+ hours on SA

Added on steam. Waiting to talk via Teamspeak.

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Name (Screen Name) :  MISFIT
Age : 17 turning 18 in may
Location (Country) : USA
TeamSpeak: Yes/No YES
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198092070420/
Average Hours Per Day: 16 hours mabe
Experience On DayZ: started on SA did not like it moved to dayz mod awhile ago dont know the time because steam is glitched atm saying i started this week when i had it for a mounth
Other (Optional): one day i was playing on a server and me and this guy teamed up he died at a mission and i was the only one left so i picked up his DMR and killed the last 11 and then looted every body i could 

Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): sniper give me a svd or dmr and im on stopable 

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Name (Screen Name) :  MISFIT
Age : 17 turning 18 in may
Location (Country) : USA
TeamSpeak: Yes/No YES
Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198092070420/
Average Hours Per Day: 16 hours mabe
Experience On DayZ: started on SA did not like it moved to dayz mod awhile ago dont know the time because steam is glitched atm saying i started this week when i had it for a mounth
Other (Optional): one day i was playing on a server and me and this guy teamed up he died at a mission and i was the only one left so i picked up his DMR and killed the last 11 and then looted every body i could 

Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): sniper give me a svd or dmr and im on stopable 

Added on steam. Waiting to talk via teamspeak.

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