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[USG] is recruiting!

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If you are looking to join a growing community we have nearly 100 registered members and growing!

Founder: MadWookie

Admin: ItzBidge

TS Info: TS3.UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com

Website: UnitedSurvivorsGaming.com


Please fill out:

Name (Screen Name) :
Age : 
Location (Country) :
TeamSpeak: Yes/No
Steam Name/URL:
Average Hours Per Day:
Experience On DayZ:
Other (Optional):


Name (Screen Name) : MadWookie [uSG]
Age : 17
Location (Country) : United States
TeamSpeak: Yes

Steam Name/URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MadWookieUSG/
Average Hours Per Day: May vary, situations at home throw me off otherwise I spend 6+ Hours a day.
Experience On DayZ: Have been playing the mod for just over 21 months. With over 1100 Hours logged in Arma II : OA and over 200 hours logged in SA.
Other (Optional): I have lead a squad for pretty much since I started playing anywhere from 5-10 people at a time.



**We aren't bandits. We aren't heroes. We are merely survivors, we handle EVERY situation differently.**

***We are trying to branch out to new time zones, AUS, UK, etc.***


We also play:

Heroes & Generals

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms

Arche Age

League Of Legends
DayZ Mod
Dota 2

Arma 3


& Lots More!

Edited by MadWookie
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Hello, Mad Wookie you seem to have a nice group here as I've see a few of those clan tags around. However I was wondering if your accepting people from the UK and not just people from the US.


Screen name - My name in game is TDPAxeboy.


Age - I am 16 years old.


Location - UK (United Kingdom).


TeamSpeak - Yes, I even own a server for TS. 


Steam Name - I don't use Steam to play Dayz I use Dayz commander. However I do have a steam that I do regularly use so here ya go: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042834189/ .


Role - I don't mind what I use. I've played Dayz since the start I know my way around all weapons. So if I had to choose I would  be assaulter.


Average Hours per day - Well I don't play Dayz all day like you example said 10 hours per day would be extreme for me. I normally play Dayz until I loose concentration on it. and that's about around the 3 - 5 hour mark.


Experince on dayz - I've had most likely all the experiences that dayz has to offer. As I've played the game through since the start of the Mod. I feel that I can handle most situations that people can put me through. However I took a break from dayz for about 4 months because I lost interest in the game. However I restarted 2 weeks ago and I have all my skills back. 


Other - I've lead squads from many different clans more than I can remember, however this allows me to work well within a small group with teamwork and good communications. 

If you would like to contact me on skype, my skype is Axeboy112.


That's it I've filled out your requirements. I'm looking forward to your reply!



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At the moment we do not have any UK players although we are looking to expand timezones! The only problem with you being in the UK is the ping you will have on US servers as %99 of us are from the US we play on US servers, so if you can handle 150-250 ping then your set man. Hop in ts and talk to a recruiter and we'll get you in tags in no time. It would also be nice to have someone who knows what their doing playing with us as most of the new recruits are new to the mod and/or stand alone.

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Name (Screen Name) : Bradyyyyy
Age : 14
Location (Country) : USA
TeamSpeak: Yep
Steam Name/URL: BradySlays
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper or Assault
Average Hours Per Day: 7-10
Experience On DayZ: A lot. Not on this Steam acc but on my friends I used to play on.
Other (If necessary): Swag

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Hey Wookie! What did I do? It would be nice to know, as I do not!

I just relayed a message through Qyxy.

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I just relayed a message through Qyxy.

It would've been better to be mature about it and atleast say it to my face, FYI. Other than basically saying "Fuck off"

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Name (Screen Name) :Rock8908
Age : 24
Location (Country) :USA
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL:Jrock8908 (uses dayz commander)
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Medic/Support
Average Hours Per Day: 2-4 weekday, weekend varies
Experience On DayZ: Played mod when it first came out, own standalone, very little experience with Overpoch/epoch.
Other (If necessary):  Been on and off quite a bit.  Understand the core dayzmod, additions like epoch i have little experience with.  I found the standalone to be very unfinished (havent played it for a while), I really like the idea of base building and having a group to work with.

Edited by rock8908

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Name (Screen Name) : Boggy
Age : 16
Location (Country) : England
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: deathclaw3000
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Assault
Average Hours Per Day: 3-5
Experience On DayZ: 1 Year , I mainly play standalone and rarely go on Epoch/Overpoch.

Other (If necessary): I was a rifleman in the 15th MEU (ArmaA II Realism Unit).

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Do you usually play on your server or do you play on other servers (SA)?

We did play on other servers. However reasently the clan has brought a dayz SA server. Which we play on nearly all the time.

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We did play on other servers. However reasently the clan has brought a dayz SA server. Which we play on nearly all the time.

Oh, ok.

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Guys, I'm in the teamspeak, very friendly clan, playing Dayz SA atm

Come join :D

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Name (Screen Name) : Actually_Bobby
Age : 16
Location (Country) : United States
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: Actually Bobby
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Assault 
Average Hours Per Day: 3-4 Hours
Experience On DayZ: About a year and a half
Other (If necessary): Started [CG] and disbanded it a few months back.

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Name (Screen Name) : Private Ryan
Age : 17
Location (Country) :USA
Steam Name/URL:rdbrad19
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Assault, but help to help out in any role
Average Hours Per Day: 7+
Experience On DayZ: 57 logged hours
Other (If necessary): great communicator

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Name (Screen Name) : Info
Age : 16
Location (Country) :Wisconsin, USA
TeamSpeak: Yes
Steam Name/URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BrendonR
Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic):Sniper, Overwatch, Recon
Average Hours Per Day:1-12
Experience On DayZ:About a year
Other (If necessary): N/a

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Goose--- Bump!

Edited by kichilron

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Name: Tamaster

Age: 20

Location: Italy

Teamspeak: Yes

Steam Name: tho545454

Role: Assault/Medic

Average Hours Per Day: Available from 15:30 GMT to 03:30 GMT (12 Hours)

Experience: 1500+ Hours on ArmA 2 DayZ MOD Vanilla, 300+ Hours on Epoch, 200+ Hours on Standalone

Edited by Tamaster

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Bumping this shizzle up

Don't bump it so soon Dem0n.. Myself or metis will bump it every day, bumping it more than once in 24 hours can get us in trouble. :P Edited by MadWookie

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omg burger king has a clan?

Yeah, free burgers for all of our members.

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