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Looking for a US group

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I've made a few of these posts already, but I'm desperately seeking for a clan or group of people who love to play, love to laugh, play jokes, get their bandit killing on, and work towards some serious goals.

A little about myself:

Age: 26

location: NY(About 1.5 hours north of nyc in the 'burbs

I like to think I have a solid sense of humor. I love to laugh. Pretty straight forward. My weapon of choice of obviously a sniper rifle, I've been playing FPS since Medal of Honor Allied Assault(2002 I played on TWL ladders), the original Call of Duty(Played competitively in CALeague), America's Army, Rainbow Six Vegas, Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2, Battlefield Bad Company 1/2, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty 4, COD:BC PC and 360, but after call of duty 4 I felt the series hit a stalemate and nothing innovative came from it unfortunately.

I'm a night owl, and I'm usually on from 8PM ES -- to about 3AM EST or whenever people start logging off. I've only been playing DayZ for about a week, but I have the basics down, the FPS portion of the game down-pat, the only thing I need practice with is the map and it's landmarks but once I get my hands on a map and compass, that's pretty self explainatory. I have no problem following any kind of chain of command of rule of engagement, but my golden rule has always been that I will not fire unless I'm fire upon UNLESS I witness a bandit camping a high profile area and preventing survivors from getting much needed supplies, than I will usually engage that bandit/camper no questions asked unless asked not to do so. If I am told not to engage, I will usually issue a warning and let him know to vacate or be surrounded within 5 ninutes, or be forced to make his way back to the coast with a flashlight and a pack of tylenol for the ass kicking he just received.

Anyway, I'm really looking for a group of guys who are in my age bracket but know how to laugh and have a good time. I'd prefer people who spoke english obviously, but I have nothing against my pals over in england. Those blokes are funny as hell, gotta give em that. I have no time for kids whose only sense of vocabulary are the words penis, or the phrase "I banged your mom last night" because that pretty much tells me you wouldn't know an ear from a P***Y. So yeah, I don't have any time for it. I'm really looking to be in a clan, because I like to play when I'm home at night since I'm at a point in my life where I'm pretty much free minus friday and saturday. I'm not looking for some all-star clan, although I wouldn't turn one down. I just want to fit in, and help fulfill whatever role the group needs me to fill.

My steam is: Kevin51501 -- feel free to contact me asap if you've got room and I'll hop on your teamspeak or vent and introduce myself. I don't start arguments or debates. I'm easy going, and I can't remember the last time I've ever had an enemy and that's no lie. I get a long with just about anyone.

The last thing I'll stress though is, is that there is a time to be serious and to get shit done, and then there's a time to kick it and just have a blast and spend a night laughing to tears and stupidity in game. I know this is a survivor section, but truthfully, at this point I'm considering making a post on the bandit side if I don't get any hits. I just wanna play with a cool bunch of guys/gals and have a good time doing it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'll even answer questions about my sex life if that tickles your fancy, but I'm warning you now, I'm dating one of the only cute red-headed women on the planet. Sorry fellas :( lmao.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Either add me on steam or PM me here. I check this board at least once a day so I'll definitely get the message and steam is usually always up. I'll be up for a while tonight, so if anyone wants to play tonight, you know what to do! Oh, I also i will record whenever I play with a group(you can tell I'm wishful thinking, so you'll be getting a spot on youtube :P) I just started a lets play channel not too long ago but thats going to start getting a lot of DayZ footage.

In game I go by KFieLD86 -- KFieLd -- OneMILAwAy -- SuddenSilence

Or just Kevin. :P

Hoping to hear from you.

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you can play with my group of friends if you want. We have 3 total, we all know each other. Give it a shot!

You and I will get along just good. Allied Assault brother! Clanbase/twl ftw!

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