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austin9898 (DayZ)

Napf OVERPOCH Fully Militarized with High loot spawn ENG/GER Completely customized traders!

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Epoch V 1.05.1

Overwatch V 0.2.5

Arma V 103718


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High loot spawn!

On our server with one sweep of a military complex, you can emerge with all the gear you'll need to fight the ongoing zombie apocalypse.(Aswell as those pesky bandits!)



Fully militarized!

Everything from Tanks, jets, Attack choppers to Hello Kitty cars and bicycles! Golden Desert Eagles to Makarov SDs!


Active and fair admins!

Some admins sit on their asses, some kill people with spawned tanks, but not on this server! We have an army of trusted staff that will never spawn anything in,  that play legit, and will drop everything to come and help anyone that needs it.


Custom Traders!

Do you hate when you want to buy something really nice, but you're not a hero or a bandit? Yeah, we do to. So thats why our main traders don't even require that! Infact, we have main weapons traders. One sells everything NATO, the other everything Russian! Each of these traders sell hundreds upon hundreds of guns! If you can't find what you're looking for there, we even have a trader that sells everything else!

Like cars? But the trader cities are so far away right? Not anymore. We have convenient car traders placed around the map that will sell you all the cars you need!


-NATO Trader

-Russian Trader

-Two separate Vehicle and Building traders!


Gem Currency!

Ever play on a server where tanks are only like 12 briefcases? Everyone has one and its just a massive killing-ground? We like killing-grounds, but not to that extent, so we implemented the Epoch gem system, ranging from 2 briefcases per one gem, all the way to 12 for a ruby. So that way, you can keep your inventory nice and tidy, and able to buy all those expensive things without having to carry a spare Coyote backpack full of briefcases. You can get all these gems at our custom Gem trader!



Chernarus is good, but it's old news. Napf brings alot of cool features, bigger towns,and new buildings ,and we take advantage of that with our high lootspawn.


...and More!

 Here is a full list all the mods that we have!

 -Custom Traders

 -High value currency

 -Fully militarized

 -High Lootspawns

 -Self Bloodbag

 -Select Spawn

 -AI missions

 -Passive missions ( Treasure crates, Food drops, and Military crate

 -we add new things everyday!

Edited by austin9898
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