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DayZ broken?

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Okay so let me explain, I got on DayZ one day and started playing. I went to go change the quality of my game because it seemed lower than I remember it being, so I went and clicked on High for everything. The text on my screen then became unreadable and my mouse cursor was much larger than usual and did not move it all until I would click and it would randomly appear where I clicked (even though I didn't know where I was clicking) I can not read the options or see where anything is and therefore the game has become very hard to play. If anyone has a solution I request that they share said solution so I can start playing again!

Thank you.

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change the in-game resolution in video settings.

The OTHER option would be to uninstall, clear the registry, and reinstall

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Looks like dayz have problems detecting the monitors native res and aspect ratio.

Quickfix, notepad++ open the cfg and set both the res to ex 800x600, then adjust ingame.

Longfix, delete all cfgs and resett al manually ingame.

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