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Heartbeat... wtf?

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I've been reading about this new feature of Bandit' heartbeat, where you should be able to hear their heartbeat, depending on how many murders they've committed.

From the stuff that I've read, it seemed that you need to be pretty close to the guy to hear.

However I've been playing today, and got to Berezino. There was definitely something going on right before I go there. There were dead zombies all over the place, some of the entrances were bared of with the wire, etc.

As I was crawling over the place (broken leg) I kept hearing the heartbeat. Now I haven't found anybody, nor anybody took a shot at me, although I was pretty loud. Heartbeat would go louder or quieter depending on my position in the town, and sometimes the direction I was facing.

It might have been a bug, where a bandit left the server but the heartbeat stayed. Maybe something like with the buzzing flies, even though no bodies are left.

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Was it a rapid heartbeat like, 'Budumbudumbudumbudum' or more slow like, 'Budum... budum... budum...'

Also, what was your blood level at the time?

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It was slow, buddum.... buddum... buddum...

And yes, the blood level was very low, under 3k i believe.

Was it my own heart? But then why was it going quieter from time to time?

I don't think I've heard it before, and I've had low blood levels a few times.

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DayZ - Understanding Blood

Cheers! (note: I DID just upload it, give it a sec if quality is bad. YouTube processing speeds, :/ )

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It would be nice if you could never hear your own heartbeat, so if you ever heard one... you'd know for sure you were near a bandit. And currently it's only when you directly look at the player, there's a video I seen of a guy panning across a bandit and only when looking right at them, does the heartbeat show up, but in game when you aren't pals with them, by the time you look at them to hear it, you're pretty much dead.

I think it should be when just near a bandit, within a certain range. So you know to be vigilant incase he is right behind the next wall or in the building you're about to enter.

It's basically opposite ends of the scale changing from the bandit skin, which gave instant identification as a bandit, to the heartbeat where by the time you hear it, you're in danger of being shot in the face. Which pretty much gives everyone a reason to just shoot on sight instead of trying to find out.

So yeah, at any range, directly looking at a bandit should have the heartbeat, so through binoculars/scopes etc..., and within maybe 30m or so it should start even without line of sight, as a warning.

Whatever system is implemented though, should be as much of a punishment as the bandit skin was, which by appearance let everyone know you're a non-trustworthy pile of scum who everyone should hunt down and violate. It actually made people think twice about becoming one. Now though, it's the norm since people aren't even attempting to communicate.

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I think it should be when just near a bandit' date=' within a certain range. So you know to be vigilant incase he is right behind the next wall or in the building you're about to enter.


you want a flashing red dot with that as well. or an insta win button perhaps.

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I think it should be when just near a bandit' date=' within a certain range. So you know to be vigilant incase he is right behind the next wall or in the building you're about to enter.


you want a flashing red dot with that as well. or an insta win button perhaps.

Yes, yes I do.

I'm just throwing thoughts out, there's too much killing. Just today I spawned inside of a building in Elekro where I left off, with only an axe. 2 others were in the store, seen me, harmless, in the corner, holding just an axe, and instantly killed me with a shotgun, no communication or hesitation. It's the norm now.

In another life today I had a makarov and I was in a town, I entered a house and seen another guy who was unarmed, he instantly fled, I told him I was friendly and eventually persuaded him I was, and I escorted him out of the town and to safety.

His first response though was just to run away, no attempt to communicate, this is just a PvP game now that happens to have zombies, there's no humanity, which should be something unique to DayZ. And I'm sure if he had a gun he'd have killed me.

Yesterday I came across 2 guys, one with a Lee Enfield, one with just an axe, the Lee Enfield guy ran off before I got there and I met the axe guy, said hi and escorted him around for a little since I had an MP5, then the Lee Enfield guy came back, and just as I greeted him, he blew my head off.

To have any sort of extended life, I'm going to have to be bandit scum, and just murder everyone I see, which isn't what I want to do. But nothing in the game is giving incentive for anyone to actually show humanity and help others. The removal of the bandit skin and global chat made things considerably worse.

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I agree with above post. The Youtube clips I watched about this game are a hell of a lot different than what the game actually is. Basically we have turned an epic zombie survival game into Call Of Duty. Next folk will want the zombies removed because it is ruining the fun.

I look forward to seeing just how serious the developers are about their vision. Because this game has gone way off path IMO.

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Personally I think they did a great job, the only issue I find is that people are now starting to just destroy other players. Let's think for a second, if there was a real zombie apocalypse, most of the surviving population would want to have support. (Or a group if you may) in order to help survive. It wouldn't be all "shoot to kill" perspectives, it would be "lets survive this". The only way I can see this happening is if they implement something to make players not want to become bandits, i.e penalties of some sort. This heartbeat thing is a good improvement but I definitely think that there are better maneuvers for this sort of thing.

Maybe something like: you murder someone and you lose 1k blood that can't come back (even with food). This would surely limit the killings and help make it more realistic, but I guess no one can really say what's going to happen in a zombie apocalypse unless there really was one.

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I think it should be when just near a bandit' date=' within a certain range. So you know to be vigilant incase he is right behind the next wall or in the building you're about to enter.


you want a flashing red dot with that as well. or an insta win button perhaps.

Yes, yes I do.

I'm just throwing thoughts out, there's too much killing. Just today I spawned inside of a building in Elekro where I left off, with only an axe. 2 others were in the store, seen me, harmless, in the corner, holding just an axe, and instantly killed me with a shotgun, no communication or hesitation. It's the norm now.

In another life today I had a makarov and I was in a town, I entered a house and seen another guy who was unarmed, he instantly fled, I told him I was friendly and eventually persuaded him I was, and I escorted him out of the town and to safety.

His first response though was just to run away, no attempt to communicate, this is just a PvP game now that happens to have zombies, there's no humanity, which should be something unique to DayZ. And I'm sure if he had a gun he'd have killed me.

Yesterday I came across 2 guys, one with a Lee Enfield, one with just an axe, the Lee Enfield guy ran off before I got there and I met the axe guy, said hi and escorted him around for a little since I had an MP5, then the Lee Enfield guy came back, and just as I greeted him, he blew my head off.

To have any sort of extended life, I'm going to have to be bandit scum, and just murder everyone I see, which isn't what I want to do. But nothing in the game is giving incentive for anyone to actually show humanity and help others. The removal of the bandit skin and global chat made things considerably worse.

Why do you need to murder people? I have played this mod for a little over a month and have never killed anyone. If I see someone I run and hide (if they have seen me) or if I see them I just avoid them. I would shoot in self defense, but most of the time I am up north and have only been fired at a few times so I don't have much to do woth other players.

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