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Zombies walking through closed doors...?

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Has this happened to anyone else, or is it intended to be in the mod?

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Happens all the time. I hope Rocket has something up his sleeve for it because it's killed me more times than I can count. I'll sneak into a little shack looking for drinks/food, etc. I'll shoot the doors behind me, go prone and make as little as noise as possible, only to have a zombie walk through the door, aggro me, and then proceed to call in 4 or 5 of his buddies, and block me from getting out the only exit, and I hate having to do it and I'm sure I'll be flamed for it but I've had to death dodge on a couple occasions because I refuse to die to a bug like that. Yes, I know it's alpha but it's still very annoying, and so is the run pathing. I can only hope that once the game hits the OFFICIAL beta, the zombies path and run normally so you can line up shots on them without waiting for them to stop for a brief second of waste a round of precious ammo(most of the time) and at the same time, aggro more from the gun-shot going off. Those are my two biggest complaints. The third would have to be the overall randomness of zombie detection. I used to be able to crouch "jog" as long as I maintained a distance of at least 30-40 feet. Not anymore. Immediate aggro, and you can forget about sprinting. You'll have all of chernarus on you in 2 seconds flat. You pretty much have to keep crouch running away, get some distance, hope you have a hatchet, and lay into em, and then you'll have to bandage by that point since you lost between 2 and 3k blood by the time the bandage finally sets into place. If I prone, I can avoid aggro all day no problem, but when you're trying to meet up with friendlies watching a few clicks away, they start getting ancy

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Wow, you are new, right?

Also; Alpha.

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