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Bored of people doing this....

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they attack you, but fail, you start to win they quickly abort mission and log out.

people run into town, ninja loot with 20 zombies chasing them, abort while running. log back in zombies gone..

sick of people exploiting the log out system.

LOGOUTS should take 20seconds, abrupt logouts leave you logged into the server for 60sec.

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they attack you' date=' but fail, you start to win they quickly abort mission and log out.

people run into town, ninja loot with 20 zombies chasing them, abort while running. log back in zombies gone..

sick of people exploiting the log out system.

LOGOUTS should take 20seconds, abrupt logouts leave you logged into the server for 60sec.


You don't say...

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Agree, though when you play the game for a few months and just get tired of wasting time since there is nothing to do....and loot is mostly junk, and your not affecting anyone else besides yourself.

I begin to exploit the zombie chasing you log out exploit.

Main reason i started doing this is because i was in an apartment complex really good guns and with a buddy, the zombies would keep spawning right out side and not stop coming, they would also gliltch through the walls and EVEN THE FLOOR...so ya if im fighting enemies that exploit the game by ignoring 90% of matter then ya i will balance that.

If you think what i do is wrong and you HAVE dealt with the BS glitches (DIEING from walking in a certain location or just by moving) then you are just dumb to sit back and get screwed over, ill stop exploiting the game when the game is fixed....fair is fair.

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When I get bored I just get as many zombies after me as I can and run after people. I don't log out though because I never have anything better than an axe. Best gun I have ever found was that bolt action thing with iron sights.

Sometimes it's just fun to have a town full of zombies on yer butt.

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I'm bored of assholes putting up 3 rows of barbed wire in front of every single entrance in every major city and building along the coast. Finally find a toolbox, go on a quest to take them all down, get shot.

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