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Leopardi (DayZ)

How to remove the AMD white dots in trees?

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With the old drivers setting Catalyst AI to high quality fixed it, but now the texture filtering setting does nothing... it's been like this for years since ARMA 2 release, so it's pretty clear AMD isn't interested in fixing this bug. So am I now stuck with the white dot graphics until I get an nvidia card?

And before anyone starts with the ATOC antialiasing, no it won't fix them. And ATOC on AMD looks total crap, the picture has worse dots around grass/trees than without it lol.

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Everyone has it since the game doesn't have TXAA. I have 2 Nvidia cards and I still have the same issue. Buying new hardware isn't going to fix it. I'm waiting for the new rendering engine to see what it solves.

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Everyone has it since the game doesn't have TXAA. I have 2 Nvidia cards and I still have the same issue. Buying new hardware isn't going to fix it. I'm waiting for the new rendering engine to see what it solves.

No, I didn't have it with my nvidia cards and I could 100% fix it before with the catalyst AI setting on my HD 7870.

Edited by Leopardi

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I'm sorry I can't be very specific because I'm not home and I had this problem with my 7950. But you need to change either objects and/or shadows to very high. I'm sorry if it isn't correct but this is what fixed mine when I had everything else on Very High.

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The white dots you're describing may be different from what everyone else is seeing. All of my settings are maxed and I can still see twinkling little specks in the trees.

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Oh ok, that's a bit different from what I have been seeing.

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Oh ok, that's a bit different from what I have been seeing.

Yeah the twinkling trees with AToC is different but both problems are being looked into by AMD now... let's hope they can fix it.

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