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choke holds, strangling and a hand over their mouth

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see a geezer laying prone with his back to yer, wanna take him out quiet like but how?

Give us an option to get em in a choke hold or strangle em with a length of rope or even better hand over the mouth and a kitchen knife across the throat.


Only make it possible when they are facing away from you so surprise is key, also you could do this to players that know yer there but have dropped their guard, slip behind em, equip bare hands, rope or kitchen knife then scroll the old mouse wheel an select choke hold, strangle or cover mouth/slash throat and end the dozy twerp nice and quiet like.

Edited by Beansy™
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Or a kick move, incase they're on an edge or cliff when them physics come in. ;)

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Or a kick move, incase they're on an edge or cliff when them physics come in. ;)


I like it son, I like it a lot

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or, maybe just 2 punches to the back of the head, which most of the tim will knock someone out, then bludgeon them with your melee weapon...

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Many players want this, including me. I hope it will be added after the core game mechanics are added.

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awesome idea, I already did a thread on how stealth attacks would help balance the melee system...

it would have to be difficult to do though, as otherwise you would simply unbalance the system again.

The main issue is whether this would make you too powerful. Are we talking about a system where if you get a strangle hold in you have won? Because in that case the person you are attacking has no option to fight you off...


There would have to be some way to counter, either by grabbing a weapon on their person (hand gun or knife) or by grabbing a nearby object (stone, lamp) and using it to hit the strangler.

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awesome idea, I already did a thread on how stealth attacks would help balance the melee system...

it would have to be difficult to do though, as otherwise you would simply unbalance the system again.

The main issue is whether this would make you too powerful. Are we talking about a system where if you get a strangle hold in you have won? Because in that case the person you are attacking has no option to fight you off...


There would have to be some way to counter, either by grabbing a weapon on their person (hand gun or knife) or by grabbing a nearby object (stone, lamp) and using it to hit the strangler.


simple solution


if they spot you creepin up on em all they gotta do is move and they live, be easy to make it so once they get a few feet from the attacker the options to grab em disappear.


If they don't see yer and you grab em fair n square you earned the right to open their throat like a kipper son for being a badass ninja muthafucka. I don't care who you are, if you have a fully grown male human being with a length of rope wrapped around yer neck and he's dead set on ending yer life you ain't gonna see the morning. maybe add a struggle option but make it 10% successful just to give em hope and make the kill all the more enjoyable for the strangler. Knife kills though, instant.

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simple solution


if they spot you creepin up on em all they gotta do is move and they live, be easy to make it so once they get a few feet from the attacker the options to grab em disappear.


If they don't see yer and you grab em fair n square you earned the right to open their throat like a kipper son for being a badass ninja muthafucka. I don't care who you are, if you have a fully grown male human being with a length of rope wrapped around yer neck and he's dead set on ending yer life you ain't gonna see the morning. maybe add a struggle option but make it 10% successful just to give em hope and make the kill all the more enjoyable for the strangler. Knife kills though, instant.

this seems realistic enough, as long as the attacker doesn't get a few seconds of 'God Mode' where bullets don't hurt them. The attacker should also have to hold down a button for the whole time the action takes. Letting go slackens the rope/strangle hold. I think this would be good because it would allow the person being attacked to be saved by an ally / hero: 'LET HIM GO OR I SHOOT!!!'

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What i want to see is when they're handcuffed you can up behind them and just open them up from ear to ear, Leaving a messy scene ^~^


Of some sort of execution using a melee weapon. 

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Strangle hold to,just make them unconscious then steal what you want and take off.... Say 2 mins later they wake up all robbed and junk... Hah

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