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Rule # 2 Double Tap Overpoch

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Well you should have msg me :) on teamspeak, could have got you back your stuff since you died from a bug....Just let me know when ur on again!

All good i am going to set up on the chernarus map and will probably have a couple of friends playing now and then. cheers

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Well that would be great, I'm working on getting the server filled up :) Just takes some time! Glad your enjoying it!

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Just an update on the Cherno map, we are having issues with items saving in Gear, Tents, safes, ect. Pls keep anything of importance on your character. Any important items lost I will try and replace!! Sorry about this we will have it fixed as soon as possible!!

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yeah we noticed this as well. there are also some issues with barracks they are spawning farm yard loot and also didn't see any dynamic missions popping up only a couple of stationary missions without timers. hope it gets sorted Cheers

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Yes all these issues will be fixed. I noticed the missions as well :S N340 is good about fixing things quickly, so i dont imagine it taking to terribly long.



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**UPDATE Cherno**

Stuff is now saving in tents, safes, and gear! Will update when more is fixed.

Edited by SaraMichelle
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awesome, my vehicle gear will be save now . and someone has been shooting out all the wheels at Stary trader. wont leave my car there again!

i made this:



Edited by AgentNe0

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Well let me know if you lost anything :) i have no problem giving you back anything that you feel was important.

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well just a shed and some wooden walls around it so far i am not sure how to make everything like the locked doors and so on, it was a while ago i last played epoch where I made a locked door with the cinderblock or something like this

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Ya i think to upgrade it you need 4 cinder blocks and a mortar bucket or something like that  :) holler at me when ur on next I'm always on teamspeak :)

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added more custom loot areas on the map... 

And AgentNe0 vehicles left in a safe zone on server reset will take damage each reset until they are destroyed.... If thats the case 

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Cherno update: Added in all the new custom traders including the drug dealer. Added more custom loot areas including CDC and new airfield. Potfield will be done this weekend.

Edited by TPwalker.DT
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We have added some additional admins to help on the sauerland server while we are working on adding more stuff to cherno. If you see no .DT admins in game please join TS and we are usually in there

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New GUI Build system added to Cherno Map. 40+ added craftable items.... This will be added to Sauerland within the week




Edited by TPwalker.DT

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update sauerland: new build sytem will be in by the weeks end


Update for Double Tap: We are working on a warzone Takistan with regular day to day vehicles being all armored vehicles including tanks and OP Choppers. along with upgraded loadouts... the whole map will also be split into 2 territories. AI missions will include a couple rocket launcher AI's and tanks up for grabs.

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