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Dayz Standalone controls not saving

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Guys HELP!!!!! So i have been playing dayz standalone with no problems really, untill my controls get messed up and decide not to save whenever i customize them!!! say i change walking forward to "Y" and then i go back into the game, and try to walk with pressing "Y" then it wont work, i go into the controls and its not saved, ive tryed pressing default, and the other options, and no matter what, it wont save!!!! ITS DRIVING ME INSANE TO THE POINT WHERE I WANT TO SMASH MY COMPUTER UP!!!! someone please help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Guys

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i had the same problem i found out that the folder DayZ inside \%USER%\Documents was write protected, i did a backup of the files inside removed the folder and recreated it by hand and placed the files inside again that worked for me

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toxin01 could you please tell me a step by step on what to do? thanks man

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um well for me its


3 files inside copy them somewhere like on the desktop

delete that DayZ folder (right click -> delete)

then create that folder again with right click New-> Folder rename it to DayZ

then copy thoes 3 files from the desktop back into that folder

that trick worked for me and my settings get saved again

Edited by toxin01

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toxin01 still hasnt worked :( i went in game and changed them, then i could do the things i customized, then i went back into configure and then it reset back to defauly, anymore suggestions???

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right click on the config files, go to properties, make sure "read-only" isnt ticked. i had that problem, i could change the settings, but if i went back into options, or reloaded the game, they would be gone.  hope this helps. otherwise you can try moving all the files out as mentioned above, but then load the game up without them, and it should make a new config file...i think

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