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Weird Black Screen

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So I was experiencing slowed gameplay i figured you know maybe because my computers slightly older but it still ran the game.

I went to the configure setting and mixed around lowered the overall quality nothing cray that i couldn't easily understand.
and when i got off the main menu screen and back to the game all was fine.
except when i pulled up my inventory screen to pick something up on the ground and i couldnt read the print, the print itself went to such low quality i couldnt even read it.
So i figured i would just move the overall quality up a bit and see if it improves...
It did not, like at all.
I went all the way up to the highest quality and still nothing changed.
So i figured i was in over my head, and i noticed the default button, i figured i would click it and learn to play with a slight slow draw, not bad enough of a draw to be annoying, 
but when i pushed default nothing at all came up, just the menus and a black screen, when i clicked on character nothing came up but the menus and the print was still terrible and almost unreadable.
I figured hey maybe if i get off the game and log back on it will take effect, nope it did not change anything.
then i tried logging back into the server i was just on and the only thing that came up after the loading was the small aiming reticle and a black screen.
I could open my inventory screen but the text was still terrible and the black screen was the only thing behind it, i let it sit like this for a minute figuring it was lag and i was catching up but no, sadly it did not.
So if you have any way that you can think of that can make the game even playable for me i would very much enjoy that. Please get back to me as soon as possible because i would very much like to get back in on the action that is DayZ.
Thank you.
Please god someone help me.

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