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Game Guide/Manual Collaboration [WIP looking for suggestions + feedback]

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Hey all, I have seen a lot of people frustrated at having problems with issues so basic that most starter guides don't bother covering them. So I've decided to write the basic manual that is missing from this game- not covering intricate details like specific number values that each type of food provides, but basics to help new players become familiar with the 'feel' of the controls and how to manage their character on top of the basic survival needs.

-Basically a guide to help brand new players survive at least long enough to figure out the rest for themselves, like the oldschool magazine manual that used to come with boxed games.

Only an idea I had this morning, so it's still barely more than an idea at this point.

I think where all the other guides have gone wrong, is being written by a single person covering their personal experience of the game and excludes many things perhaps they found easy enough to figure out without instruction but may not be so obvious to others.

So my idea for this guide is a collaborative effort, anything the community thinks should be included in a good basics guide.

Most of all looking for suggestions from beginners themselves- What do you have trouble with, what frustrates you because it seems broken, what didn't you find in other guides that would have helped your first few hours in the game go smoother?

So far all I have is:

Topics to include.

[Getting Started]

-Graphic setup //defaults to very strange settings, needs to be changed first thing or will ruin the visual quality of the game//

-Joining a server //HC vs Reg vs Exp hives. Server time. Player count.//

-Interaction/use controls //how to make rags, bandage, eat, take a weapon or item into your hands, load ammo, etc//

-Surviving your first zombie attack //strafe and headbash//

-Avoiding killer bugs //death by stairs, ladders, known zombie glitches, etc//




.In-game map


.Find your heading direction without a compass //sun, sea, breath, clouds, landmarks//

.Town signs

-Common PVP areas/places to avoid as an inexperienced player.












.Supply priority

[Gear + Supplies]


.Clothing //color vs pocket space//

.Backpack //visual size vs capacity//

.Worth carrying vs common enough to take the chances finding another one when you need it.


.Effects from Pristine to Ruined equipment.


.Where to find the epique lootz

-Disappearing items (did it really disappear or are you just desynced?)






Edited by zeeabo

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