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WTF... spawing

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Ok so I have been playing with my brother for a couple of weeks now, and we always join the same servers. Long story short; I die at NW airfield. I start running back up there from the coast, when I am close Novy Sobar, my brother also dies......... he respawns in Novy Sobor..... what the fuck just happened. SOOOOOOO happy

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It happened to me once... I died at Elektro i think and i respawned on the city I had just visited before... just like if the game hadnt recorded that I had died and thought I had left the server there... Yes mostly a lucky bug :D

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NW Airfield, guy shoots me with an M4A1 and I go facefirst into the pavement.

After my buddy logged back in (stupid ALT+F4'er) he died trying to kill the guy with his pistol and not his Assault Rifle. So I hit abort and disconnect from the YOU ARE DEAD screen, and log back in to find I spawned in one of the hangars with my pistol. I switch weapons, see I still have my Enfield, and check my gear to find I respawned with my health still at 11k and all my stuff, like I never seen died (although I spawned in a hangar I didn't explore).

Long story short, I walked out with my Enfield and popped my killer in the face. Poor guy probably thought he'd stumbled onto a party of 3.

Me and my friends still refer to it as the 'Jesus Glitch' because you rise from the dead.

Side Note: You can loot your own body.

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Novy is a spawn point, as of a couple patches ago, iirc. Obviously it doesn't work out very often, but it's happened to me and my group.

Again, iirc, working as intended.

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It was the weirdest thing though, he spawned under a building and when he got outside, he saw me running though the field. WIN!

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This happened to me once. I got into a gun fight at the fire station in cherno, and lost. I respawned about 200 year away and was able to come back and loot my own body.

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