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Hey guys pinned down in Firestation like a baws ,

Comming with a car for a escort and D/c all the day long to evade death ,

M107 to the Face ,

Next time you close your fire station doors , Dont forget the back one ^.^

Thanks for the MK mod 0 , 2x Rangefinder 2x NVG to bad coudnt loot the last survivor stuck in the wall :)


Story :

We login and see a server loaded with EBR Naabs ,

After that we decide to check it out and we see movement in fire station my friend backing me up with a Sniper and me closing in with a FN Fal and M4A1 CCO SD ,

After we kill one who tries to get to the car ( EBR Weel or something ) we dies BAM all of them panic closing doors ,

a guy is on the first level of firestation ( Stupid mistake ) BAM! shot to the head ,

At last there is one guy left [EBR]Yiginima or something , He panics cant stand still and opens back door and BAM fn FAL to the face

Thanks guys , I think i will write down your server and came back in a bit :)

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At least they did not ALT F4....

Knda funny story , They did 3-4 times :)

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Oooo have a similar tale with eBR in Elektro yesterday ;) These guys sure lose a lot of NVGoggles and Coyote Backpacks with all kinds of goodies. Kinda makes me wonder how they manage to collect SO much. Hmmm.

Out of interest, which server did you find them on? We got them on Atlanta 102

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