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map and compass

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in the new version compass are overated!

i just took a moment to look on the map and i saw this ugly blue dot on it showing my exact location, i loved this game cause it was hard to navigate even if you had a compass and a map now i just have to look and ah there i am

stop making the game mainstream, keep the chalange!

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Thats a server option.

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I always laugh at these posts.

"Don't make this game mainstream!!!111eleventy-one1111!!!!"

Arma has always been like this guys. Sorry it took DayZ for you to take an interest in the Arma series...but welcome aboard.

Good to have you.

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as others said, it's a server setting. you were probably playing on a "regular" diff. one.

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I'm pretty sure the only server which runs this option is the server titled "DayZ." I tend to avoid that server as you can see eveyone visible to your character on the map.

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