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TGWL | The Golden Wolf Legion

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Name of Clan/community | The Golden Wolf Legion


Abbreviation | TGWL


Requirements |

- You must be at least 12 years of age
- You must have Steam
- You must have Teamspeak



What can we offer you? | We offer a 24/7 online Teamspeak 3 server and a facebook page and also a fully updated Steam page,

we also have members that will be friendly and help out newbies out.


How to join | To join you must contact me or the other owner whose names will be below in the "Contact Us" article, after that we will

ask you to sign up to our website (http://goldenwolflegion.shivtr.com/) and apply to join, after that a short review will be done by our leaders and you will be accepted or

denied. Or just jump straight into our teamspeak and say hi!


About Us | We are a small gaming community that is looking for new members to join and play with, we do not only play DayZ as we are a

community, but when we do we have a nice number in our group, we do not have a specific play style yet and we hope that eventually we will

thrive and become a large gaming community.


Contact Us | Email : [email protected]


                    Steam : (TGWL) Koopaconroy


                    Steam : (TGWL) MrVallochar


We hope you get in contact with us and hope if you do, enjoy your time with us.


             TGWL Staff



We are in a European timezone so if you are from the US there is a smaller possibility that we would accept you.


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