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how do i make game look like this (pics)

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It's possible this is an environment addon, changing the textures, weather, etc. They are all over the place. Just Google things like "arma mods" and you will see lists of stuff. Some of the realism and AI enhancements for stock ArmA are really great.

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Guy there use ACE, ACRE, STHud addons, which are very important for ArmA 2 multiplayer (ACE and ACRE are must have) and some post processing effects. All of those wont work on DayZ. I guess those screens have been photoshoped, taken in ArmA 2 and added DayZ GUI.

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Guy there use ACE' date=' ACRE, STHud addons, which are very important for ArmA 2 multiplayer (ACE and ACRE are must have) and some post processing effects. All of those wont work on DayZ. I guess those screens have been photoshoped, taken in ArmA 2 and added DayZ GUI.


I never go anywhere without those mods.

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ummmm....please tell me how to do that! That looks insanely awesome to play with :O

I see something wrong with the first pic. Whats that thing at the top of his screen?

relink for others: http://i.imgur.com/fufMs.jpg no problem guys ^^

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I like the post processing/ weather effect change.

Is it sure that you can't use it in DayZ as some servers change the colors balance ?

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