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Multiple characters?

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Hey, this is my first post, and I'm not exactly sure how the public hive works.


I've noticed that with different server hosting websites, like Multiplay and Vilayer, my character will not be transferred from one host to another, but this only happens on a multiplay server.

I can switch from Vilayer, to gamingserver, and to fragnet all with the same character, but multiplay seems to save a different character. I was wondering if this is supposed to happen, or if it's a bug of some kind.

I'm posting this in the server section because I believe it has to do with the server hosts being different, but I'm not 100% sure.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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1 character for ALL PUBLIC REGULAR ---- 1 character for PUBLIC HARDCORE HIVE ----1 character for ALL PRIVATE REGULAR HIVES-----1CHARACTER FOR PRIVATE HARCORE HIVES ====4 characters they switch trough servers if is the same hive and type

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Occasionally a server may not be able to connect to the "master server" for your save data.  When this occurs you will start with a default character again and spawn on the beach.  If the server manages to connect to the "master server" it may end up overwriting your safe file and you may lose your previous one.  Sometimes there is a server warning in red as you join.  I have seen alot of this since the last update.  It can be pretty frustrating but as lots will tell you....its best not to get attached to your character anyhow as you will die soon enough.  Either from BS glitchy bugs, KoS, or just garbage lag.  

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