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Should I be dead? O.o

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What a douche. Has like 4 zombies on him, but ya know he just has to get that kill of another player! Hate people like this.

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Wow that just shows everything that is wrong with this mod. He is surrounded by zombies. Hes basicaly being eaten but he just has to shoot the other player because he grew up with call of duty and its all he knows.

Pvp is a part of this game but that was just bs. Oh well i suppose Rocket will add something that will lessen the amount of pvping going on.

Before anyone calles me a carebear (god i hate that word) i know that if you take out pvp it would ruin the game, but at the moment its 98% pvp. I only ever see friendly survivors on the coast when they spawn with nothing. I want the game to be 50/50. Not everyone in society would kill, kill, kill. Many, if not most, would work together.

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Well tbh I actually agree with you Beard. Anyhow, I'm not bothered as I was in Cherno and bound to get killed.

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